Monday, January 13, 2014

Help Your Gut Recover from the Holidays with Florastor

By Tara.

I have a confession to make. Last year I battled a severe case of chronic hives. I could find no rhyme or reason for them. I changed my detergent to unscented/no dyes. I quit eating nuts and then beef and then this and that... I saw two doctors and then an allergist three times. I began getting migraines with the hives.

I was miserable. No food allergy could be pinpointed. Nothing could be determined. I was given pills and told to "take 'em when you break out".

I don't have to say that got old fast.

Then I saw a man who is into natural remedies and has a machine that tests the energy levels in your body, and he told me I had a yeast infection.

My eyes got really wide and I said, "Eww. No, I don't. I'd know if I did." I was indignant and embarrassed he would suggest that. I mean, come on, I realize all of us ladies get them, but seriously, I know how to take care of that and that could not be the problem at the moment...

He then told me that we can get yeast infections in our intestines. And why? From antiobiotics, from things that kill the natural bacteria that we need in our body. (There are other reasons, but that's what I was told at the time.)

And a light bulb went off in my mind. Previously whilst researching hives, I'd read that yeast infections can cause them, but like I said, at the time I did not know the intestines could be a home for that.

So, finally, I had my answer, and finally, there's a "medicine" to help with that.

In my case, my problem had nothing to do with the holidays, but here's the reason why I think it could benefit those of you who may have partied hard.

I'm just going to quote the Florastor press release 'cause I can't say it better:

" average holiday meal alone packs in 4,500 calories and a whopping 220 grams of fat.†1. Add sugary, processed treats, liters of alcohol, plus a serious lack of fiber, and it quickly turns into a gut-wrenching situation.

Think of it as the perfect storm: holiday stress, the overindulgence of heavy foods and an increase in alcohol—it all adds up to an intestinal disaster."

I'm also going to add that 'twas the season for the FLU. And that means you may have taken antiobiotics. I wouldn't wait to end up with an issue such as I did. I would act now. Chances are the intestinal flora in there is out of whack and Florastor can fix it before a huge issue comes of it.

Currently taking an antibiotic? No worries. You can take this at the same time.

Other great bonuses: 
-Comes in pill form. You take take the pill with water and food, just swallow it, OR you can open the pill and dump the powder in soft food, such as yogurt. It does have a taste, but I wouldn't say it's bad, just different.
-It doesn't need refrigeration so you can travel with it.
-Pharmacist recommended.
-Appropriate for children over two months. (They have a kids' one).
-Helps with digestion, supports the immune system
Read more here.

I'm happy to say that I've been taking a pill a day (you can take two) for a month and I've only had ONE hive in all that time, and trust me, that's FABULOUS progress. I do believe without a doubt this helped me.