Sunday, December 22, 2013

Unclog the natural way with DRAIN-FX!

 Clogged drains happen. The must-have solution is Drain-FX (  Every year gallons of toxic chemicals are flushed into the water system to clear clogged drains. Drain-FX is a new, eco-friendly, low-cost alternative. It’s the chemical-free maintenance solution for slow and clogged drains. DRAIN-FX turns your existing kitchen or bathroom tap into a powerful pressure washer, to quickly break-up and wash away stubborn clogs and debris. Sustainable and ecologically sound, DRAIN-FX was designed to clear clogged drains using simple tap water; no hazardous chemicals to store in your home or flush into the water system. The reusable product is guaranteed to last, so you can buy it once and never have to buy another drain cleaning product again.

 My Thoughts

Our bathroom sink gets clogged a lot. I think it's because we're a hairy family. All the girls have really long hair and my husband, well, I think he's a direct descendent of the sasquatch. He shaves in the sink and it gets clogged at least once a week. I used to buy chemical based draining products, but I hate the awful chemical smell and more importantly, I hate added toxic chemicals into the environment. I didn't think there was any other option, until I discovered Drain-FX.

Drain-FX is a chemical free solution to clogs that uses the water from your sink to power away clogs. No chemicals required, All you have to do is hook the powerful hose to your tap. Doing this is simple. The package comes with several black rubber washers to help you get the perfect fit on your spout. I had no trouble attaching it to both our bathroom sink and the kitchen sink. Once the tube is attached, you snake it through the drain, turn on the water, and let Drain-FX go to work. The device creates a powerful water flow, sort of like a mini power washer, that breaks up clogs naturally.

I was really impressed with the result of the Drain-FX. After just a few minutes, my water was draining better than it has in months. It's amazing to me that I was able to get this type of result using only water. Its a natural alternative chemical drainers and also a more affordable option. The Drain-FX can be used over and over again, instead of continuously buying bottles of chemicals. And if that isn't enough, the company even donates a portion of their proceeds to providing clean water in Africa.  This is such a great idea from a Eco-friendly company that truly cares about the world we live in.  I'm excited to have had a chance to try it out.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***


Unknown said...

The natural mixture of vinegar, baking soda and boiling water may not always work, especially if the clog is extra tough. Resorting to unclogging solutions is a viable choice, but be wary though, using an extra strong solution might damage your pipes. Still, if there is a recurrence of clogging and other incidents, it would be wise to seek professional's advice.

Levi Eslinger @ Capital Plumbing CA

Unknown said...

I have to agree with Levi here. For example, hair build-up overtime can cause a clog that would require certain tools to fix. Using the DIY solution will show little to no progress while more concentrated solutions may damage your drainage pipes.

Guadalupe Ellis

Unknown said...

Yikes! What Ellis mentioned is true. Damaging your drainage system using DIY ingredients may prove to be ill advised. Seeking experts to properly asses the situation and do repairs is the correct choice to ensure sturdy and fixed pipes.

Lorenza Coon

Edmonton Furnace Repair said...

This is very interesting. Thanks For Sharing

Unknown said...

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حيث تطفح البلاعات داخل المنزل ولا يتسطيع أستخدام الماء لأي غرض وتعم المنزل روائح كريهة لا يمكن تحملها ويكون ذا بسبب تراكم الترسبات في أحدي مواسير الصرف أو في احدي البالوعات لذلك يبحث العميل العزيز علي أفضل تسليك مجارى بالرياض تعطية نتائج سريعة في نفس اليوم وكذلك تحافظ لة علي المواسير من الكسور
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