Monday, December 9, 2013

Review: nio Tag

**Product was received in exchange for an honest review**

Losing a valuable item can not only ruin a day but also runs the risk of losing important personal information that can result in identity theft. GCL Solutions Group has now made the nio Tag available for North Americans. For the month of December when all of the add-ons to the application are free.

nio Tag does not work to find lost items but rather protect against them ever getting lost in the first place. By attaching the nio Tag to whatever item you carry most often, the gadget will alarm or vibrate to alert you that you have become separated from your keys, camera, laptop, purse or briefcase. Through Bluetooth 4.0 technology (available for both Android and iOS devices), the gadget connects wirelessly via a free nio app, acting like a buddy system, to keep track of the multiple valuables you carry throughout the day. 

Our Thoughts

My husband regularly walks away without his iPad. Sometimes it's not until he gets home that he realizes that he has left it on his desk at work. With the nio Tag, that no longer happens! 

Clipped to his iPad's case, the nio Tag alerts him when he walks too far without the iPad. It's great as it helps keep track of where he's set the iPad and it can be connected with two other nio Tags on things like keys and a brief case or backpack! I see this working really well in the case of someone who is riding the bus or subway or even using cabs quite a bit as it could help prevent theft. 

The App for the iPhone is simple and easy to navigate. Which makes it a pleasure to use. The battery on the Tag itself last up to three months on only one charge and it uses a Micro USB for charging. You can choose your distance for security from 2m to 15m to give a smaller or larger circle around depending on your situation. The other nice thing is that the nio Tag has a "find my phone" button! That comes in handy sometimes! 

This could certainly be a great gift for the techie in your home! I know my techie definitely enjoys the nio Tag

**I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. The views expressed are strictly my own and were in no way influenced.**


Unknown said...

Wow, I learned that nio™ can also be used to prevent the loss of the mobile phone itself and by doing so, the data contained within it.