Monday, December 9, 2013

Proof Read Your Work With Grammerly & Text to Speech

*** "Not sure how to check for plagiarism? I use Grammarly because  because I don't want to be on America's Most Wanted...again***

For me, one of the hardest parts of writing has always been proofreading. My eyes tend to see what they want to see instead of what's actually there. It's especially difficult with my own work because I know what I meant to say. In the four years since I started my blog, I've come a long way in regards to learning how to proofread. There are two tools I find indispensable for this task, and today I'm going to talk a little about each one.


I stink at grammar. I know it's true and I thank the gods for the amazing editors I've worked with who have helped me polish up my novels. I still have a few issues, like overusing commas and the occasional run-on sentence. Since I can't turn to my editors every time I type a blog post, I've learned to use grammarly to double check my punctuation. This easy to use program finds up to ten times more mistakes than the average word processor. In addition to checking for basic errors, it even provides a safety check against possible plagiarism. All you have to do is cut and paste your text into the box and it will run a quick scan which will reveal all your grammar issues.

Text to Speech

The human eye may not notice that one small letter, but when it's being read aloud, it's amazing how much easier a mistake can be caught.

 Through vs. Though  
 Except vs. Expect

You'll never miss these common errors again if you use this Text to Speech. Another advantage it offers is that it picks up words that you've overused. In my most recent novel, I didn't realize until I listened to it that my characters "nodded" over a hundred times. But it stood out starkly when the automated voice was reading it to me. This gave me the chance to go back and change/eliminate some of them, making for a much cleaner manuscript.

If you want to give text to speech a try, it's simple to install and can be added  to most word documents. I'm not a computer expert, so I won't give instructions, but if you do a search for "text to speech" you should be able to find a way to install it on your computer.


JohnyArn said...

As a freelance writer i've found the programs that you described very useful. Grammarly is a powerful spelling and grammar checker that’s like a little robotic editor angel on your shoulder at just about all times. It detects grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes as you write on just about any site on the web, email, Word documents, social media, or on your own website. If you have a job of a writer, or you want to became one, you can join my team at