Sunday, November 10, 2013

Is She a Good Girl With a Snarky Sense of Humor? Do Your Holiday Shopping With Good Girl Tees.

By Tara. *Item received for review. No financial reimbursement.*

I'm a good, seriously, I am. But I have a snarky side. When I heard about Good Girl Tees, I was stoked. I went to the site and had myself a good chuckle. I've said some of the things on these shirts!

Does your wife have a Facebook addiction? Check out "I've unfriended you", or perhaps your woman is a tad bossy (in a fun way)... "I'm pulling the strings" may resonate with her real well. There are 42 "sayings" to choose from, so there's something for just about every woman.

Me, I'm about to start a new job, so I chose this one:

I figure I'll wear it my first day and then they can't say I didn't warn 'em... LOL

Regardless, I love that you can choose a tank top or a tee-shirt, and the tee shirts come in V-neck or crew. Once you choose your shirt style, you choose color--black or white; they keep it simple, though I think pink would rock--and then you choose your saying.

Add to cart and voila!

And this...this bit here alone makes me want to buy from this company:

(Stolen from their About page)
GoodGirl Tanks & Tees is a fashion brand celebrating women and girls who know their minds, know what they want and tend not to follow the rules.

As the famous quote states:
“Well-behaved women rarely make history.”

I applaud this company for celebrating women who want to speak their minds.

So, 'nuff said. This is def an item to check out for that feisty female in your life. What woman doesn't need at least one more T-shirt? And we sure do love to express our opinions...

*Item received for review. No financial reimbursement.*