Monday, November 18, 2013

How To Remove Offensive Odors

If you live or work somewhere with strong odors caused by cigarettes, cooking, pets, or whatever else, you may feel frustrated trying to find a way to overcome these odors.  Often, just covering up these irritating smells isn't enough, but short of ripping out the carpet and reupholstering the furniture, it can seem like there isn't anything else to try.  Fortunately, there is one solution that many people overlook: ozone generators. 

How Does Ozone Remove Odors?

Unlike many other products that claim to freshen air or neutralize odors, an ozone air purifier truly removes all odors.  Ozone is highly reactive, and when it encounters a particle, it will oxidize, or lose its third oxygen molecule to the particle.  This reaction produces oxygen and a particle that has an additional oxygen molecule and an altered chemical structure.  For molecules that cause us to perceive a smell, the new chemical structure means that the odor no longer exists.  

An OdorFree ozonator is especially effective because the ozone destroys odors that would be hard or impossible to reach through conventional cleaning.  You don't even have to know where the source of the odor is; as long as there is sufficient airflow to the area to bring the ozone into contact with the odor molecules, the odor will be destroyed. 

Does Ozone Offer Other Benefits?

Ozone generators don't just remove odors — they can actually remove contaminants such as bacteria and mold from the air.  For people who are concerned about the environmental impact of the home cleaning products that they use, an ozone generator isn't harmful to the environment.  Ozone exists in high amounts in the upper atmosphere and is regularly produced in the lower atmosphere by lightning. 

Is Ozone Safe to Use?

As is the case with many cleaning products, lengthy exposure to excessively high levels of ozone can have detrimental health effects.  These include respiratory problems like chest and throat pain, coughing, and difficulty breathing normally.  However, a typical ozone generator doesn't produce dangerously high levels of ozone, and what is produced should either react with other particles or decay back to oxygen within an hour.  However, some generators have a setting that is meant to be used only when a building is unoccupied, so if you do own a generator, it is crucial to make sure that you are running it on the appropriate setting.  OSHA and the EPA respectively recommend that exposure over an eight-hour duration be less than .10 ppm and .008 ppm. 

Is an Ozone Generator Practical for Home Use?

Ozone generating machines are not only practical for home use, but becoming increasingly common in this setting.  There is no better way to actually remove — rather than just hide — home odors with minimal effort on your own part.  As a home investment, an ozone generator is also very affordable compared to the cost of many appliances and renovation projects. 

While there are other ways to cover up or neutralize home odors, an ozone generator is one of the most effective and easy ways to do so.  If you're tired of living with odors that you simply can't get rid of, an ozone generator can destroy old odors, make your air cleaner, and quickly remove any new and unwanted scents.