Monday, October 28, 2013

NO-AD Sunblock Review

Even though the summer is over, I am still using sunscreen. Most days here in South Jersey we still hit temperatures in the upper seventies, so I want to make sure my kid's sensitive skin in protected from the sun's harmful rays. Its important that we treat our bodies with respect.  That includes our skin. Even in the fall,  there are lots of fun outdoor activities to take part in, but its imperative to put on sunblock when you're outside. Both my mom and my grandfather had skin cancer, so I know how important a good sunblock can be. A wonderful company that offers several varieties of sunblock for adults and children is NO AD. If you are looking for a high SPF, water resistant formula, NO AD is a terrific option.

The NO AD Sunblock comes in super-size bottles and sprays that could last all year. The added vitamin E and Aloe blend to help supplement skin's natural defenses. There were lots of things I liked about this product. First of all, its not at all greasy or sticky when its applied. You just rub in it and it dries almost instantly.   It addition, its water proof, sweat resistant, and also offers SPF 45, SPF 50, or even SPF 60. So we're good at the beach and at soccer games. And let's not forget there are no harsh chemical smells. But of course, most importantly, it worked perfectly. There was not one speck of sunburn on me or the kids even after a full eight hours in the sun without reapplying during outdoor activities.  Though I would suggest reapplying if you are enjoying any water sports.

If you would like to learn more about NO AD Sun Care and their full line of products, you can visit their website. To keep up with future products and promotions, you can visit them on face book.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. The opinions expressed in the review are my own and were not influenced in any way.***