Sunday, October 27, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide - Our Generation Dolls Review

***Complimentary product received in exchange for an honest review***

A beautiful doll is a must have for every little girl.  We have plenty of plush dolls, but since my daughter turned three this year, I decided she was old enough for a real doll. The kind that looks real and has different outfits and fun stories. I wanted a doll that looked like my daughter, but I never imagined I'd find that one that had her name. I lucked out with Our Generation Dolls. Willow was the perfect doll for my daughter.

Willow is a brown haired beauty who comes with two outfits, accessories and even her own story book. She has long brown hair pulled back in pigtails that feels real to the touch and is fun to brush. Her outfits are adorable. One is a little purple dress with polka dots for the day but at night you can change her into a pair of cozy pajamas that comes complete with fluffy bunny slippers and a toy bunny to snuggle.  She even has her own overnight bag that comes with toothpaste and a toothbrush. All of Willow's accessories tie into her storybook, "The Most Fabulous Pajama Party Ever." While my Willow is too young to read the chapter book independently, she loved having me read aloud to her about all the fun adventures Willow has at her slumber party.

The Our Generation Dolls are extremely well made, lifelike and affordable. They are a wonderful choice for little girls looking for a realistic doll. Willow is only one of the characters available. Each one comes with their own story and their own little accessories to enhance the play. Additional accessories can also be purchased. To see all the dolls available from Our Generation be sure to check out their website.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. The opinions expressed in the review are my own and were not influenced in any way.***