Friday, September 20, 2013

Could You Be the Next Mr. & Mrs. Apteka?

By Tara. *This is a sponsored post.*

I want to tell you about a fun interactive contest being put on by an all-natural beauty and supplement company, Apteka Naturel. This unique eco-friendly company is putting together an exciting YouTube contest for couples to find the perfect duo to represent Apteka Naturel!

· All you have to do is submit a YouTube video of you and your partner explaining why you should get the title of Mr. & Mrs. Apteka Naturel. 

· This is how you do it, first, go to the Apteka Naturel website,, and review all the products they offer on their site. Than submit a video as to which products would be most suitable for you and your partner and why, for example: you’re a mother of three who has varicose veins and the products that would best suit you would be Tranquility Naturel, (because we all know how hectic motherhood can be!) and VariCare Naturel supplements which help with healthy legs)

· The video should be no longer than 2 minutes.

· The contest begins on September 23 and ends October 21, 2013. Voting continues thru October 27, 2013 and the winner will be announced the following morning at 9:00 AM (PT).

· The winners receive prize packages of Apteka Naturel products, a gift certificate for a spa getaway and an appearance on one of our sponsored shows.

· Do you have what it takes to be Mr. & Mrs. Apteka Naturel? Submit your video by replying to this video, and have fun with it! The video can be funny or serious, let your personality show! The winning video will be determined by the number of video likes, so make sure you have your friends and family go on YouTube and like your video!

· Visit for official rules and regulations and to view the introductory video!

*This was a sponsored post*