Thursday, June 27, 2013

Book Tour & Giveaway - Apocalypse Cult by Alex Siegel

Apocalypse Cult

APOCALYPSE CULT is the first book in the Gray Spear Society series. They are God's secret warriors, His henchmen, His assassins cloaked in shadows. When lives and souls are at risk, He sends the Gray Spear Society to save mankind. This time the enemy is the Church of One Soul, a cult that intends to kill thousands of unsuspecting tourists in Chicago. But this is merely the first step in plunging the world into a devastating war. The Society has only a few days to destroy their elusive foe, despite interference by overzealous federal agents. Purchase Apocalypse Cult: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks

About Alex Siegel

Alex Siegel Alex Siegel grew up a math and computer geek. At the age of twenty-five, he received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell. He continues to make a good living as a software developer in Chicago. In his late twenties, he took up creative writing as a serious pastime with the intention of eventually making it his career. This goal has been elusive, but failure is not an option. In 2001, his wife gave birth to triplet boys. People often ask him how he still finds time to write. In 2009, he began the Gray Spear Society series, and he hopes it will be his key to literary fame. Follow the Author: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest Join us July 11 9PM - 10 PM EST Twitter HashTag #ApocalypseCultBookTour July 19 Pinterest Event July 23 Video Chat on Literary Addicts July 31 - August 2 for our Social Media Event on Facebook. Come learn More about the author and win prizes Follow the Tour The author will be offering a $50 Amazon Gft Card to the giveaway winner. Fill out the form below to enter. a Rafflecopter giveaway