Saturday, April 27, 2013

Make Brushing Fun with Firefly Light Up Brushes and Foam Toothpaste

My husband always tells me I should get my toothbrushes at the dollar store because you can get a five pack for just $1. And I tell him, there are some things that are just not worth being cheap with. Oral care is certainly one of them. I have one great aunt who is ninety and still has ALL of her own teeth. It is my personal goal to follow in her footsteps and to make sure my children do the same. And the first step to that is finding a good tooth brush.  Firefly has always been one of our favorite choices, and now they have a new addition.. The Ready to Go Tooth Brush is sure to be a hit with kids everywhere.

The Ready to Go Toothbrush has a built in timer that lights up for sixty seconds. It starts out green, changes to yellow when they are nearing the end, and then finally turns red. When the time is up, the light goes off and the kids know they have brushed long enough. The process should be repeated once for both the upper and lower level.  This is  pretty cool toothbrush and a great way to encourage kids to brush their teeth. The bristles are soft and won't damage enamel but get the job done. In comes it lots of great designs including Spiderman, Angry Birds, and Barbie.

Another cool new item from Firefly is the Fluoride Foam Toothpaste. You actually squeeze the foam into the child's mouth which definitely made my kids giggle. Then you start brushing. Children will love the bubblegum flavor and the added fluoride is assuring their teeth get the protection they need. Another great feature is that unlike most types of toothpaste, there won't be any messy globs left behind when your done brushing. The foam is easy to clean up both on the sink and counter-top and on clothes. And again, the containers feature some of their favorite characters.

If you would like to learn more about the Firefly Toothbrushes or any of Firefly's other products, you can visit the their website. To keep up with future promotions, you can follow them on twitter and/or become their fan on face book. Your children's teeth are important, so set them on the path to good oral hygiene with Firefly today!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***