Saturday, October 13, 2012

Phantom Giveaway at Gerber Babies

Julie from the Gerber Babies blog was nice enough to review Phantom a few weeks ago. I'm so behind on everything, I didn't get around to sharing it until now, but she definitely made me giggle when she said,

 "I'm in my late thirties and I am daydreaming about a high school boy. If you've read "Phantom", you won't find that odd. If you haven't, you should read it before you label me as anything other than normal."

You can read her full review here. If you want to meet Lord Justyn, the guy she 's been dreaming about, you can pick up your copy of Phantom on Amazon for only $3.99 for the e-book or $12.95 for print copies. 

In addition to reviewing the book, Julie is also hosting a giveaway for a Phantom prize pack that includes a signed copy of the book, incense, and a geode.  You can enter to win by commenting on Julie's blog post here.  Good luck to everyone who enters!