Thursday, July 5, 2012

Culturelle Tummy Truths 14 Day Challenge Continues

Today is he fifth day of our Culturelle Tummy Truths  Challenge. If you aren't familiar with Cutlurelle, is a supplement that delivers billions of live, active probiotic cells in each packet and chewable, even more than yogurt. But this way you aren't getting the unwanted sugar and calories.  Its the #1 recommended brand by pediatricians, and it contains no synthetic colors, preservatives, diary, yeast or wheat. It even has the Gorbach Goldin Institute Label, which signifies that the Lactobacillus GG probiotics inside have met the highest standards of purity and potency

All three of  my older children have been taking part in the challenge . The littlest one was the easiest to work with. She will pretty much eat or drink anything I put in front of her. Its the two older ones that were leery about trying something new that might actually be good for them. But it didn't take long for them to realize there was really nothing to be afraid of. Yes, Culturelle is a product that is good for them. It will regulate their system and keep them feeling good. But its not like having to drink the castor oil of the old days. The fruit flavored vitamins taste like the candy and the packets can be added to just about anything, and they don't even realize its there.  This is great for all those finicky eaters. Since Willow is only two, I have been mixing the packets in with her applesauce or yogurt, that way I know she's getting the dose that she needs.  Below is a little video of my kids taking their Culturelle. Its a little hectic around here since I'm alone with four kids, so try to ignore the screaming baby in the background.

So, I'm sure you want to know how well the product is working. It hasn't even been a week, but I'm already seeing a difference, especially in my toddler. You might remember that I mentioned she's been having issues with constipation for months. Well, she's not 100% on track yet, but she's been going to the bathroom every other day since we started using Culturelle. Before this, it was even 5-7 days and more often than not I had to resort to a suppository. So this is a great improvement.  Its a little hard for me to track the what's going on with the two older kids. At ten and twelve, they don't really like to talk about what goes on in the bathroom with their mom. But I know my oldest daughter has been having some issues digesting things like nuts and dairy products, and that has seemed to improve since we started our regimen. Stay tuned for more posts as we continue on with out 14 day challenge!

If you would like to learn more about Culturelle KIDS! Probiotic and all the products available from Culturelle, you can visit their website.  While you're there, be sure to print out some money saving coupons! Try your own fourteen day challenge, and let me know how its working for you by leaving a comment below.  To keep up with new products and promotions, you can follow Culturelle on face book or twitter.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***