Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Compaq Black 15.6" Presario - Free Blogger Event

Prize: Compaq Black 15.6" Presario Giveaway Open to: Worldwide (residents outside of the US will receive a $300 Walmart Gift Certificate instead The event dates: August 9 - August 30 Requirement to join Free Facebook link Additional links {$1 each} - You may only purchase up to 4 additional links (options include facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, pinterest, rss or email) Co-host {$25} - taking 5 co-hosts for this event - benefits - your blog name/business in the html of every participating bloggers post, host a page of likes/follows and 4 entries on the rafflecopter! ~ Update ONLY 2 spots left!!! ~ Facebook and Twitter Page Host: $10 NON-PUBLISHER - For this event I will accept non-publishers as well. Meaning business, blogs, etc may join without being required to publish the giveaway html. The cost to join this event as a non-publisher is $20 for up to 2 links.

To  sign up for this event, just fill out the form here