Friday, June 8, 2012

Getting Fit With NutriSystgem Week #18 #NSNation

Here I am at week eighteen in the NutriSystem program, and for the first time, I had a bit of a backslide. I gained one pound  this week, so I am back up to 136. This is completely my fault.  I had family visiting and we went out to our restaurant for breakfast and dinner every day this weekend. I tried to follow the advice of the diet plan and pick lower calorie options, but there isn't much to chose from in that area.  I figured if I was going to cheat, I was going to get food I enjoyed. So stuffed french toast, chicken parm, and a few other high calorie meals later, I can see where its really important to stick to the plan if you want to stay on track. But it might be a good thing that I gained a pound this week. If I hadn't, I'd think it was okay to eat whatever I wanted,and I need to remember that I'm not twenty anymore and my metabolism has slowed down.

On the bright side, my awesome NutriSystem PR contact, Meredith, read last week's blog post, about my water bottle breaking. And guess what? She sent me a new one! I am so happy to have my NutriSystem bottle again because its just the right size and I can toss it from the car to my beach bag without it leaking. So getting that water bottle was the big highlight of my week so far. But I know things are going to get better. The kids will be out of school on the 14th and after that, I will be outside twice as much, so I should be burning calories like crazy! Plus I just got a pedometer to review from Ozeri and its already helping me track my steps and calorie burning during the course of the day.

So on to my pick of the week. I have always loved to have cinnamon rolls, but its not something I ever indulged in that often because they are usually too sticky and messy. But the NutriSystem rolls taste just as good without all the mess. "Drum roll please...introducing a diet-friendly, ooey-gooey cinnamon roll! You'll never feel like you're missing out with a piping hot pastry swirled with cinnamon and topped with a thick cream cheese frosting—this breakfast treat fits right in to your diet plan. Go ahead; indulge without any of the guilt!"

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visitin. . Also be sure to follow Nutrisystem on face book and twitter to keep up with all the bloggers in the program. You'll also be the first to hear about fun promotions and discounts. Right now they are they are celebrating their 40th anniversary with a 40% off sale, so its a great time to take the plunge. Be sure to stay tuned for next week's most when we talk a little about the specific breakdown of meals in the plan!

Please note that Nutrisystem is providing their program free of charge for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogging Program. Opinion expressed are my own and have not been influenced in any way.