Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sabbat Cooking ~ Beltane by Stacy Evans Review

From the Company

Beltane - the time of year for honouring love, fertility and the sun.  Beltane foods focus on spice and aphrodisiacs - with seasonal foods mixed in. 

This eBook contains recipes for appetizers, side dishes, mains, and desserts. Recipes with oysters, fruits, and oats, amongst many other ingredients, can all be found inside. Also included are the magickal properties in many of the ingredients, as well as ways to utilise them while cooking. This interesting eBook is a great addition to your collection.

‘Sabbat Cooking ~ Beltane’ is the third of eight cookbooks in the Sabbat Cooking series.
 My Thoughts
Stacy Evans has done it again! Back in February I was lucky enough to review her Imbolc recipe book, and I didn't think anything could top the dairy delights of Candlemas.  But now I think she has actually managed to top herself with her newest release, Sabbat Cooking ~ Beltane.   Choose from quick and simple desserts to elaborate main courses, all of which can make your Beltane holiday even more magical.
For those who are not familiar with the Beltane or May Day, here is a little background. On May 1st many people from all over the world will be celebrating Beltane. Its a festival that has been around for centuries. The most well known activity is the dance around the May Pole. Another old tradition was to leap over the Beltane fires with the person you hoped to marry. It is a day to celebrate the coming fertility of the land and our bodies. The recipes in Stacy's book correspond to the holiday by providing a slew of recipes including fruits, oats, and oysters that are designed to represent the fertile earth and enhance the fertility in ourselves.  You will find spicy and red colored foods to help represent the growing sunlight as well as tasty dishes that are designed as aphrodisiacs, which is more than appropriate for the Beltane holiday.
 I love about Stacy's cook books because  there is something suitable for everyone. You don't have to be a master in the kitchen to find the perfect holiday treat, but if like a challenge in the kitchen, there are meals that can be made from scratch. One of the things that makes this recipe book so special to anyone who practices the Craft, is that many of the recipes give detailed instructions how to harness the magical properties of the everyday ingredients. This makes both the preparation and the consumption of the meal a spiritual experience as well as a culinary one.   Just a few examples of the recipes you can find in this book are: Raspberry Soup, Lemon Coconut Loaf, and Salsa Chicken. One of my favorite recipes is the Faerie Salad. It is simple to prepare, and its will make a nice offering to the Fae as well as a part of your Beltane feast.
If you would like to get a copy of Sabbat Cooking ~ Beltane by Stacy Evans, it is available in most e-book formats and can be purchased online at Wyrdwood Publications for only $4.99.  In addition to the Beltane addition, Stacy has also written  cook books for Samhain and Imbolc, and plans to write books for all eight Sabbats over the course of the next two years.  These books are a must have for any pagan library, so be sure to pick up a virtual copy today.

Stacy Evans is a Pagan Author, Blogger, and Priestess.  She lives in Alberta, Canada with her husband and daughter.  You can find her on Facebook, Google+ or at her blog. Inspired By Life.

Author, Wyrdwood PublicationsSabbat Cooking eBooks
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***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***