Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First Review of Phantom by Magaly Guerrero

The very first review of Phantom has been posted at Magaly's Guerrero's blog! While I am always excited to see a positive review of one of my novels, it is especially rewarding when the reviewer is an amazing author in her own right.  Magaly is the face behind the Pagan Culture blog, as well as a very talented writer of dark fiction.   Having her consider my book at all was as honor, and reading it was definitely the highlight of my day. Here is just a small quote from her review:

"The end of the book was… startling. I’m not sure how I feel about it, yet. No, that’s not true, I am surprised. I wasn’t expecting the outcome that greeted me in the last few chapters. The characters changed in ways that, well… The ending was twisted and shocking. I’m still blinking a little."

Of course, she means twisted in good way. In fact, I think where Magaly is concerned, it wouldn't be good if it wasn't at least a little dark and twisted. :) To read the rest of her review, head over to her self titled writing cottage, the Magaly Guerrero blog. While you're there, be sure to read some samples of her writing. You won't be disappointed.

Also, don't forget that Magaly is hosting a giveaway on her other blog, Pagan Culture, for a Phantom Prize Pack which is includes a signed copy of the book and tons of other goodies. Today is the last day to enter, so  be sure to head over there now for your chance to win!  Thanks again to Magaly, for both the review, and the chance to be a part of her Sexy, Dark, and Bloody Fiction Party!