Sunday, March 25, 2012


 The winner of the Alteredlynx Giveaway is #59

  • Name: Susan Franklin Facebook
  • Option: Follow @paganwriters on Twitter
  • Extra Info: %40sallsue2

 The three winners of the Auric Blends Giveaway are #239

  • Name: Star Scot Facebook
  • Option: Follow @AuricBlends on Twitter
  • Extra Info: %40jen_scot

  • Name: Deborah Thomas Facebook
  • Option: Tweet About the Giveaway
  • Extra Info:!%2FDEBIJOT%2Fstatus%2F1797279776958054

 and #60

  • Name: Chelsea Reboulet Facebook
  • Option: Subscribe to Author Laura DeLuca

 The winner of the Infrashine Giveaway is #410
  • Name: Stacey Bicovny Facebook
  • Option: Follow Author Laura DeLuca on friend connect

 The winner of the My Rubber Stamp Giveaway is #152
  • Name: Shanna Uptergrove Facebook
  • Option: Tweet About the Giveaway
  • Extra Info:!%2Fshannau%2Fstatus%2F176720185682694145

 The winner of the Cold Stone Creamery Giveaway is #23
Anonymous said... 23
i like the strawberry shortcake witchysage@

The winner of the Trop 50 Giveaway is #140
  • Name: Gloria
  • Option: Network Blogs