Friday, December 30, 2011

C3* for Stress Review & $75 Spa Finder GC Giveaway

Despite all the joy that the holidays brings, it also brings something that is NOT on Santa’s Wish List – STRESS! In fact, the American Psychological Association states that more than eight out of 10 Americans anticipate stress during the holiday season.

There is now a new product that hopes to provide a little relief.

C3* for Stress ( is an all-natural, lemon-lime flavored drink mix of healthful botanicals and replenishing vitamins and minerals that helps relieve the symptoms of stress by keeping you calm, cool and connected to your natural energy.  C3*’s proprietary formula combines thousands of years of healing traditions with the rigor of modern science. It keeps you focused, allowing you to be more productive when you need it most and when you can’t afford to slow down (like most of us moms!).

It was developed by the same entrepreneurs behind Elixir Teas & Tonics. This was an herbal products and functional beverage brand whose Los Angeles flagship store on Melrose was frequented by celebrities and praised by the press (InStyle, People, New York Times). It was THE destination for LA’s “who’s who” to get a little relief from the stresses of the everyday world.

C3* for Stress Product Benefits:
·        For new customers the product is FREE (just pay for shipping and handling if you visit
·        Conveniently packaged in single-serve packets, the drink mix can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere
·        Works quickly within 15 to 20 minutes, yet is naturally gentle
·        Stimulant- and sedative-free – your mind stays clear, focused and alert
·        All-natural, preservative free. Sugar free; no artificial sweeteners
·        100 percent of the RDA of Vitamins B6, B12, Zinc and Niacin
·        Only 15 calories

Our Thoughts: There are lots of energy drinks out there. You drink them and you're wired and bouncing off the walls for a few hours, and then you crash.  People drink them when they want the energy to get things done, but I always found they just made me jittery and distracted. C3 is a much better solution. Just mix the flavored back in with a little water, and you have a drink that is not only refreshing, but revitalizing. For me, it helps me destress and clears my head, making it easier to work on my reviews or my books without getting as annoyed and distracted by the kids. I found that my production increased after just one glass. The lemon lime flavor tastes great. Its not too sweet, and  its made with natural ingredients.

To celebrate the New Year, C3* for Stress is going to give one lucky winner is going to receive a $75 GC to Spa Finder and a one month supply of C3*for stress!  To enter, just fill in the Rafflecopter form below. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply. Thanks again to C3* for Stress for offering this fantastic prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. Please note that I am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


wizardewu said... 1

I relieve stress by going for a walk.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Courtney B said... 2

i take a long hot bath and read a good book

vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

Leann said... 3

sweepstakes and beer!

cw said... 4

I relieve stress by exercising on the treadmill

pitufas_021 said... 5


Michelle Murphy said... 6

Fresh air and quiet

Unknown said... 7

I entered giveaways to veg out.

Kristen said... 8

I relieve stress by taking a leisurely walk.

Elena said... 9

I relieve stress by taking hot bath

jswencki said... 10

entering giveaways is my stress reliever!

Unknown said... 11

I relive stress by drinking a hot cup of tea and soaking in a hot bath!
GFC: KatieRox4You
Networked Blogs/Facebook/Google: Katie Smith
Stumble: katierox4you

Missy L said... 12

Trying to get enough sleep and staying hydrated helps

Kimberly said... 13

Deep breathing

Emillie Rose said... 14

warm bubble baths :)

Elena said... 15

I blogged:

janetfaye said... 16

I take long walks and listen to music to relieve stress.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

redfuzzycow said... 17

i de-stress by lighting a candle, taking a bath and putting on a face mask

littleangel_mw said... 18

top holiday stressor : being around so many people at the holidays, plus worrying if I got the right present for others.

littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com

Elena said... 19

i have your button on my blog:

An Apel a Day said... 20

I sing loudly to relieve stress.

An Apel a Day said... 21

I haven't been seeing the extra field to put my blog address in. I blogged about the giveaway:

Tara said... 22

a warm bubble bath!

~Sherie~ said... 23

I go to my room and read.

lisa said... 24

GFC LisaMarie

BellaJade said... 25

exercise is the best stress reliever

jenzen69 said... 26

I read or meditate

Anonymous said... 27

i relieve stress by listening to music

blog post:

BellaJade said... 28

My blogpost:

bellajade34 at yahoo dot com

PAIGE said... 29

Stress relief bubble bath. Take me away.

Amber said... 30

I relieve stress by doing yoga!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

peg42 said... 31

I like to go for long walks.
Thanks so much

Stephanie said... 32

gym - by myself with music
tvollowitz at aol dot com

sottovoce said... 33

I relieve my stress by power sometimes, sometimes not. Thank you.
jaquerichards at yahoo dot com

susan1215 said... 34

I walk while listening to music

s2s2 at comcast dot net

russrpm said... 35

I relieve stress by walking the neighborhood with our dog.

bored2quickly said... 36

I relieve stress by going for a very long walk. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

cman said... 37

A long, hot shower.

Brittany Bardo said... 38

I take a nice walk :) -

Kay said... 39


bigbossross1 said... 40

I drink and smoke more.

moltisantai1 at msn dot com

Denise S. said... 41

I drink hot tea and read.

Karen said... 42

I destress by running. Thanks for the giveaway.


one frugal lady said... 43

Once my kids are in bed, I love to take a hot bath, read a book and drink a glass of wine!

Unknown said... 44

I placed your button on my blog.


GFC: sreis87

Name: Sarah Walker


brich2222 said... 45

I take a walk around the park with the dog

brich22 at earthlink dot net

brich2222 said... 46

other info


subscribe to you and other via email with ardy22 at earthlink dot net

brich22 at earthlink dot net

My Beauty Bunny said... 47

A hot bath!

lisamataylor said... 48

go for a walk or take a short nap

Jamie said... 49

I take a walk around our neighborhood depending on weather. Or I take a hot bubble bath and candles.

Molly K said... 50

I take a long hot shower or take a relaxing bubble bath.

Molly said... 51

I relieve stress by a long walk!

FB name = Sandy Saves

sandysaveseveryday AT gmail DOT com

Julieh said... 52

I relieve stress by exercising. (julie hawkins)

Clair Shumack said... 53

I used to have a I try to focus my mind onto something else or hop on my wiifit

dvice12 said... 54

I relieve stress by dancing

slehan said... 55

I relieve stress by swimming - or reading if I can't swim.
Thanks for the contest.

heymissvirginia said... 56

I relieve stress by hopping in the car, going for a ride and blasting the radio.

Michelle said... 57

I relieve stress by knitting.

Unknown said... 58

I listen to music or go for a walk for stress relief.
Raffle Copter - happi shopr

Tylerpants said... 59

I relieve stress by having my husband watch the kids while I take a long bath. tylerpants(at)

cassandra marquez said... 60

I usually do it by taking a shower.
fb" rab pom
gfc: cassandra marquez

Heather said... 61

I want quiet and a hot bath.

slehan said... 62


annmuth said... 63

A cup of tea and a quiet moment helps with my stress

mverno said... 64


Nicole1021 said... 65

Put on music and dance

daveshir2005 said... 66

How i relieve stress is trying to get into a good book and not to worry.

fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
twitter,gfc,stumble/ daveshir2005
google +/ shirley pebbles

daveshir2005 said... 67

grabbed button

daveshir2005 said... 68

blogged about giveaway

Nicole Larsen said... 69

I get pedicures to relieve my stress!

/\Heather/\ said... 70

I like to destress with exercise or listening to music!
heatherpooh (hotmail)