Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fairy Tales Hair Care Review & Lice Prevention Tips

September is Head Lice Prevention Month.  So far I have been pretty fortunate. My kids have never had lice (I am knocking on wood right now).  But I know the threat is out there, and I take it very seriously. You never know who your kids are sitting next to in school or whose head was touching the seat on the bus before them.  Luckily, you can stop lice before they start, thanks to the wonderful hair care products from Fairy Tales Hair Care. They have shampoo, conditioner, and more that not only leaves hair soft and shiny, but also prevents the outbreak of lice. Plus its made with only all natural ingredients.

There are lots of wonderful products available from Fairy Tales Hair Care. Here are just a few of the products we got to try out:

Fairy Tales Hair Care Rosemary Repel Shampoo
nourishing ingredients promote soft, clean hair; safe for all hair types

Fairy Tales Hair Care Rosemary Repel Conditioner
lightweight formula promotes tangle free, silky hair without build-up

Fairy Tales Hair Care Rosemary Repel Leave-In Conditioning Spray
contains vitamin B-5 and aloe to detangle, condition, and protect hair

Fairy Tales Hair Care Rosemary Repel Spray & Shield Hairspray
holds hair style in place while providing protection against lice

My kids aren't nearly as worried about getting lice and I am, but they are particular about their shampoo. If it doesn't have a nice smell, they aren't going to touch it. Luckily, the sweet organic Rosemary and citronella scent is pleasant. And the combination of these products left my children's hair looking shiny and healthy. The detangler worked wonders on my daughter's fine hair which always gets very tangled when she washes it.

To provide you with additional support on lice prevention, Fairy Tales Hair Care has also come out with a free I-tunes app that provides users with helpful “Lice Facts.” Its an easy to use app that informs, educates and even tracks head lice outbreaks! Get the facts from the real experts who have been around since 1999.

You can also help prevent lice by following a few simple tips:

1) Don't share hats or combs
2) Keep long hair braided or in a pony tail
3) Don't wash your hair every day-lice actually attach easier to squeaky clean hair
4) Use products that repel lice (like Fairy Tales Hair Care)
5) Be diligent and check yourself and your family regularly.

For more great tips and info on head lice prevention be sure to visit Fairy Tales Hair Care. You can also follow them on twitter or become their fan on face book. By following just a few simple steps, you can make sure the only things your kids bring home from school this year are home work and art projects.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***