Sunday, September 25, 2011

2nd Blogoversary Giveaway!

Today is my two year Blogoversary! I can't believe how much time has gone by! I would have liked to have planned something special, but with the new baby I am only barely keeping my head above water. Plus I'll be started my holiday gift guide on 10/15 and there will be lots of great opportunities for everyone to win some great prizes there. But I wanted to do something, so I thought I would give away a few free product coupons I have on hand, just as a way to thank you all for being loyal readers. The coupons include:

1) 1 Free ZenSoy Product (No Limit)
2)1 Free Nestle Drumstick ($1.99)
3) 8 Free Gardein Coupons ($4.99 each)

To enter this giveaway, just fill out the rafflecopter form below. Giveaway will end on 10/15. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply.