Thursday, July 21, 2011

"What’s In Every Mom's Beach Bag?" Giveaway!

As summer comes to an end, families are trying to squeeze in some last minute trips to the beach! Packing a beach bag is often a mother’s worst nightmare as they try to pack all essentials without lugging around a suitcase.  With this in mind, I was asked me to host the "What's In Every Mom's Beach Bag Contest".  The sponsors would like Moms to give a list of their top five beach essentials for baby. Please leave your list of five products in the comment section after this post. The winner with the best tips will be chosen on August 5th.   The prize  pack you can win will include the following:

BornFree Eco Classic bottle: BornFree leak proof BPA-Free baby bottles come in plastic or glass and feature an innovative venting system designed to promote ActiveFlow™ and help minimize the painful symptoms of colic. After use, the bottles can be returned to BornFree where they will be recycled into other products such as toys and furniture. (

Kids-EEZE Allergy Soft Chews: Kids-EEZE® is a children’s symptom reliever specially formulated to ease the symptoms of hay fever and upper respiratory allergies. The convenient chew form makes dosing easy with no measuring or messes. (


Star Rock for Kids CD: A CD of fun and age-appropriate music that is perfectly “in tune” with the whole family, featuring hits from past decades and today. Beyond being a rockin’ CD series sung completely by kids, Star Rock for Kids! Presents an exceptional opportunity for budding singers to show off their talent and realize their dream by becoming a “Star Rock Kid” and appearing on the next CD.  (

Tattooed by Inky Perfume: Used after showering or as a pick-me-up during those hot summer days, these body sprays refresh and revive the senses, with just the right amount of scent. The Tattooed by Inky collection offers 5 distinctive scents for every personality---two men’s, two women’s, and one unisex. Inky is available at Big Lots and Target stores. (

Smart for Life protein bars: Eliminates post-exercise hunger, so you gain muscle not fat. Supports healthy cardiovascular function, helps promote weight loss, boosts metabolism and controls hunger. (


USANA Usanimals vitamins: Usanimals comes in fun animal shapes while providing a phytonutrient blend of blackberry, cranberry, raspberry, and wild blueberry fruit flavors. The vitamins contain a comprehensive array of antioxidants, and minerals, in amounts designed especially for active, growing children. (

Medifast Parmesan Cheese Puffs: Provides just the right balance of fiber and high-quality protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied, plus your daily requirement of 24 vitamins and minerals! (

***This giveaway is open to the US only and will end on 8/5/11 at 12pm ET. In exchange for taking the time to post this giveaway, I will receive the same prize pack I am giving away.  The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


Everything Coastal said... 1

What a great idea! I re-tweeted for you. Thanks for stopping by the Everything Coastal blog, nice to meet you. Am a new follower!

rhonda said... 2

Your giveaway is awesome! The five essentials that always go in my babys bag are as follows :
Wet Wipes
and of course plenty of water and juice

Meagan - Sunshine and Sippy Cups said... 3

Of course we need the diaper bag essentials, like diapers, wipes, and such. But here are my top five BEACH essentials for baby:

1.An umbrella to shade us both, and keep us cool.

2. Sunscreen to keep baby's skin as perfect and pretty as it is now.

3. A super soft beach blanket to snuggle up on after playing in the sand.

4. Music! The iPhone or iPod to listen to some fun tunes... We love oldies rock and roll :)

5. Our matching pink bikinis and bright pink shades. Love it!

Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!! {my email is}

Softie cafe said... 4

The 5 essential beach item we need are:

1. Sunscreen ( waterproof of coourse)
2. sunhats
3. snacks( gerber fruit puffs!)
4. Umbrella or shade tent
5. Lots of sand toys!

Anonymous said... 5

The 5 products I need to take:
1. Sunscreen (natural, mineral-based!)
2. Towels
3. Flip-flops
4. Small first-aid kit
5. 1 beach-read!

sswpss at yahoo dot com

Hollowsins said... 6

Aside from the regular items,for trips to the beach you I need-
1.sunscreen for body and face for in and out of water
3.a camera for snapping memories
4.beach towel for a safe comfy baby
5.floaties or swim raft
hollow_sins(at)yahoo dot com

d schmidt said... 7

My top five are:

Lightweight blanket
Change of clothes

Rita M said... 8

Top Five:
~Wet Wipes
~Change of Clothes
~Sunscreen & hat
~Bottle & formula

AmberFaith said... 9

My five must haves are:

1. Diapers
2. Wipes
3. Snacks
4. Sunscreen
5. Umbrella!

littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

An Apel a Day said... 10

1. Diapers
2. Wipes
3. I take a wet wash cloth in a ziploc bag
4. Change of clothes
5. Sunblock

Jennifer said... 11

My top five:
1. Sunscreen
2. Water
3. Snacks
4. Camera
5. beach towel

Unknown said... 12

1. Sunscreen
2. Towels
3. Snacks
4. Camera
5. Toys

tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

bison61 said... 13

1. sunscreen
2. hat & change of clothes
3. umbrella
4. wet wipes and baby powder-takes the sand off the skin
5. snacks and lots of water

tiramisu392 (at)

lolamichele said... 14

our bag gets:
1. sunscreen
2. water
3. easy to eat snacks
4. extra clothes
5. droid (to keep in touch and take pics)

boswife @ gmail . com

lisa said... 15

1 -Camera!
2 -Sunscreen
3 -Beach Toys!
4 -Drink & Snacks (they count as one! lol)
5 -Towels!

Anonymous said... 16

Five things I pack in my daughters beach bag...
1. sunscreen
2. hat
3. coverup
4. water & snacks
5. beach toys
Tina M

itsme said... 17

swim diapers
nursing cover up
camera to capture the moment

Laura Love said... 18

First, I have to say only five things? It seems like when you have a baby you go from being able to walk out the door at a moments notice to needing an hour to collect everything you need. Still, there are definitely five things I need to take a safe and happy baby to the beach.
My top five beach essentials for baby are:
1. Sunscreen - to be applied before we leave, and reapplied often, especially if baby gets in the water.
2. Diapers - because a wet baby is an unhappy baby.
3. Baby powder - the baby powder really helps release any sand that otherwise might stick in sensitive areas. I use it every time I have to change the baby at the beach.
4. Toys - to keep everyone occupied and happy - I love beach balls because they collapse and take up no space and are not heavy.
5. Snacks! For baby and me - I love to cut up fresh fruit, pack water and juice. Trying to make food at the beach unfortunately leads to sand in everything, so bringing things that are ready to eat cuts down on sand in our food.
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com

pitufas_021 said... 19

Must Have:
1. Sunscreen
2. Towels
3. buckets and shovels
4. snacks
5. "treasure chest" to collect all the stones and shells

Unknown said... 20

Our top five for the beach:
sunscreen - spf 50+ waterproof
Diapers - swimmers and regular
Wipes - wet ones are a life saver!
snacks - puffs and fruit
water/juice - we freeze them and pop in the cooler. By the time we're ready for a drink, they are half thawed and a nice cold refreshing treat.

trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

carolpie said... 21

Something to drink for baby and snacks.
A sun hat and special long sleeve suit.
A beach umbrella.
Towels and wipes.
Diapers, toys, and towels.
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

llinda29 said... 22

Sunscreen, Diapers, Snacks, Change of clothes, Toys

Unknown said... 23

1. Sunscreen
2. Diapers
3. Wipes
4. Bottles
5. Sunglasses


susansmoaks said... 24

swim diapers
baby wipes
a big hat

David said... 25

My bag always has
fruit snacks


Gina said... 26

My baby top five for the beach are:

1- Sunscreen
2- Freeze Dried Ice Cream (super fun and beach friendly)
3- A grown up book for me to pass the time while baby sleeps
4- MP3 player loaded with 50% mama music and 50% baby/kid tunes
5- baby care kit (wipes/diapers/etc.)

This mama's beach bag has to have as much fun as necessity!

cman said... 27

Baby wipes.
Baby diapers.
A change of clothes.

TaraB12 said... 28

1. Sunscreen
2. Hat/Cover up
3. Bottle for water
4. Snacks
5. Swim diapers