Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer Birthday Bash! Imperial Toy Ultimate Beach Ball Sprinkler Review

Today temperatures were high and the kids were looking for ways to cool down. Normally we head to the beach, but the further along I get in my pregnancy, the less time I can spend there because of past complications. So I have bee looking for alternate ways for my kids to cool off right in our own back yard. At Imperial Toy, I found lots of great toys to help make a splash this summer. My favorite one is their Ultimate Beach Ball Sprinkler.

We were lucky enough to receive the Ultimate Beach Ball Sprinkler to review, and it is even more fun than it looks.  Assembly was simple, which is great since I'm in no condition to bend and twist too much. You just inflate the ball and attach it to the garden hose, and then watch the fun begin.  My children had a great time rolling it around in the yard and just getting wet with the 88 inch sprinkler. But pictures speak way louder than words. Just check out this video of Gabby and Frankie with the giant squirting ball.

I was really impressed with the ball and how well it held up, even though the kids got a little rough with it. It didn't burst or get any small holes. It should last at least through this summer, and maybe even into next year. At only $12.99, its a fun, affordable, and unique way for kids to cool off.  Its fun for kids ages 1 1/2 to 101! If I wasn't pregnant and not allowed to run around, I would definitely have been out there with the kids getting wet!

The Ultimate Beach Ball is only one example of so many cool toys you can find at Imperial Toy. They also have bubbles, balls, water guns, riding toys and more.  Their user friendly site allows you to search for toys for your kids by age and gender.  And many of their toys feature characters your kids will know and love like SpongeBob and Hello Kitty. When it comes to summer toys, Imperial Toy is definitely the first in fun.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***