The Bumbo is a special seat designed to help babies as young as three months sit up unassisted. The special design not only allows for independence, it also helps to strengthen the infant's back so they will be able to sit up on their own sooner. Last year I got a Bumbo for Willow and it was a lifesaver. She would sit in it for hours and play with her brother and sister. And I was finally able to put her down and get something done around the house.
Now, Bumbo has even more exciting news. Keen has recently come out with seat covers. These covers are a wonderful way to keep your Bumbo in mint condition no matter how many babies you want to have. The machine washable covers can be placed over the Bumbo so they don't get stained or damaged. Another advantage of the covers is that you will be able to change the color. So if you're like me and have a pink Bumbo but a little boy on the way, you can get a nice cover in chocolate or slate so it doesn't look too girly for him. Because even if the baby doesn't care what color their seat is, you know their mom's will.

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7) Grab my main button and tell me where I can find it
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10) Post this giveaway on any sweepstakes site, Mr Linky, or other networking website-leave the link where I can find it (1 entry each)
11) Become a fan of Bumbo on face book
12) Follow Bumbo on twitter
This giveaway will end at midnight on 6/21/11 and is open to the US only. The winner will be chosen via a random number generator. Thanks again to Keen Distribution for offering this great prize!
***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. Please note that I am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***
Very nice! Another product I saw on their website that I'd like to have at some point is the digital room thermometer! Looks very neat!
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I love the mommy hook. ran02004@gmail.com
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They also have a Mommy hook that you can use to carry bags, purses, camera bags, several at a time with ease.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
the mommy hook is cool!
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I love the gro egg!
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I also love the Grobag Baby Sleeping Bags!
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I also like their Grobag Baby Sleeping Bags.
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love the grobag sleeping bags!
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The Mommy Hook would be handy
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Kimberly Schotz
Visited their site and another item I love is the Grobag Baby Sleeping Bags! Especially the Dotty Day Out pattern
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the grow bag swaddle looks great
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i love the play tray that goes on the bumbo
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I love the bumbo play tray!
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id love the stroller hook
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I love the groegg digital room thermometer in the red color.
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Love the Gro egg and sleeping bag!
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sfinn1988 at aol dot com
i like the mommyhook djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
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authors tw jacksondeb
i love that they have a mommy hook!
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The other product I like is the Mommy Hook.
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(FYI- your link to Bumbo's Twitter isn't working... I did a search for them.)
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i also like the bumbo play tray!
sarah at realtorsd.com
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sarah at realtorsd.com
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I love the gro egg. I wish I had one for my bedroom
boswife @ gmail . com
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I love the Gro-Egg from Keen!
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(P.S. you have a typo in your hyperlink to follow Bumbo on twitter :)
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I like the Grobaby Sleeping Bag
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I like the Play Tray erinnsluka@gmail.com
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I'd love to have the mommy hook.
littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com
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Amber Faith Pilcher
littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com
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I like the mommy hook
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Another product I like is the mommy hook
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i also like the gro-egg
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I'd like the Mommy Hook
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I also like The Mommy Hook. Thanks.
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I also like the Bumbo Play Tray--so useful!
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Daily Tweet 6/8/11
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I would loe to try the the growegg digital room thermometer!
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Tweeted 6/13: http://twitter.com/#!/janJ4C/status/80187487556878336
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Another thing I like is the Mommy Hook... where was that when my guy was still in a stroller?
I also liked The Mommy Hook - looks very useful!
I follow via GFC - Rita M
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the digital room thermometer mverno@roadrunner.com
i also like the Gro-egg that seems so cool that it changes colors.
melisa0072 at gmail dot com
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