Friday, June 3, 2011

3 Ways to get your Child’s Weight under Control - Guest Post

So your child is no longer a baby, but you can’t help but notice that they still haven’t lost the baby fat.  Since throwing them on a treadmill isn’t an option yet since they’re still figuring out the finer points of how to walk, there’s not much that you can really do at this stage as far as conventional exercises go.  Here are 3 simple ways to get your child’s weight under control.    

1. Use baby food with PHF
Assuming your child is still eating baby food, you may want to note that a recent study carried out by the Monell Chemical Center in Philadelphia found that children who spent 7.5 months on baby food made with regular cow’s milk gained more weight than the other half of the group that ate food based on protein hydrolysate formulas.  Although no definitive conclusion for why this happened was reached, the leading theory is that the amino acids in the PHF formulas triggered feelings of satiety in the babies, causing them to eat more slowly (even though both groups were fed for the same amount of time). 

2. Incorporate adaptogens and herbs into their diet
Adaptogens are essentially plants that have a normative effect on the body, putting the body back in homeostasis.  They also have been shown to reduce levels of cortisol and blood glucose levels, both common causes of weight gain.  Some of the more popular adaptogens such as ginseng and holy basil are fairly easy to find in stores.  Many herbs also have properties that can give your child a lower body fat level.  For instance, salacia contains the compound salacinol, which inhibits enzymes that breakdown carbohydrates and transfers glucose into the bloodstream.   

3. Stop eating fast food
This is fairly easy for most adults that are trying to lose weight, but it’s a little bit harder for your kid to resist the lure of the free happy meal toy and the complimentary playground in the back.  Although wading through the ball box will burn some calories for them, the unholy amounts of preservatives and “ingredients” they use (even in the new “healthy” kids meals they’ve been trying to woo you with) make it far from worth it.  

                  ***Please note this is guest post sponsored by Stomach Fat***