Friday, May 6, 2011

Organicville Review & Giveaway

The search for the best tasting organic products continues and has led me to a great little company called Organicville.  You may be buying the best organic meats and veggies, but do you ever think much about what's in your condiments.  What good does the best of everything else do if you add on mustard or salad dressings that are filled with artificial ingredients.   Luckily, Organicville solves that problem with their line of, salad dressings mustard, ketchup, pasta sauces and more!  All of their products are USDA certified organic and vegan.

I was lucky enough to get to try out two of the products from Organicville--The Non Dairy Cesar and the Non-Dairy Ranch Salad Dressing.  The first one we tried was the Cesar, and usually my kids don't like this flavor. But Organicville had just the right about the spice without being overpowering or burning the kids mouths.  It doesn't leave your mouth tasting like garlic for the rest of the night.  Tasty and fun, its a dressing you can use on your salads, wraps and more.

The Non-Dairy Ranch Dressing was an even bigger challenge. Its not easy to get my kids to eat their leafy greens and its next to impossible if I don't have a great tasting dressing. I'm always nervous about trying new ones. But Organicville won them over again. They absolutely loved it. My daughter even asked for seconds on her salad which is something I don't think she's ever done before. Creamy and delicious, you won't miss the dairy in this great alternative product.  If you are lactose intolerant you can finally enjoy some awesome ranch dressing!

If you are interested in trying out Organicville Products they are available on their online store. You can also check here for a location near you. If you can't find one, you  can fill out a form to request that your supermarket stock up.  Be sure to look for their new ice creams! They also have a section with lots of fun recipes. Submit your own recipe and get a free t-shirt if its published.  To keep up with the latest news, follow them on twitter or become their fan on face  book.

One lucky winner is going to receive the same two products I received to review. To enter, just visit Organicville and tell me another product you would love to try.  For additional entries, you can do any of the following, but you must complete this initial entry first. Any entries that do not follow these guidelines will be deleted.

1) Subscribe to my blog by email
2) Follow my blog on friend connect
3) Blog about this giveaway with a link to New Age Mama & Organicville (5 Entries)
4) Follow me on twitter and tweet this giveaway using the button at the top of this post (Daily)
5) Become my friend on face book  or a fan of New Age Mama on Face Book (one entry each)
6) Grab my main button and tell me where I can find it
7) Follow New Age Mama on Network Blog
8) Follow my author blog on friend connect, twitter, or  face book (one entry each)
9) Post this giveaway on any sweepstakes site, Mr Linky, or other networking website-leave the link where I can find it (1 entry each)
10) Follow Organicville on twitter
11) Become a fan of Organicville on face book

This giveaway will end at midnight on  5/25/11 and is open to the continental US only. The winner will be chosen via a random number generator. Thanks again to Organicville for offering this great prize!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


Lance said... 1

I would love to try the ice cream.

Lance said... 2

I like New Age Mama on FB.

Kimberly said... 3

I would like to try their organic catsup

Kimberly said... 4

GFC follower

eclairre said... 5

I'd love to try the island teriyaki sauce.

Amber said... 6
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber said... 7

I would love to try the Dark Chocolate Organic Ice Cream!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 8

I follow @organicville on Twitter - I'm @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 9

I follow your blog with google friend connect
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 10

I'm your friend on Facebook -my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 11

I'm a fan of New Age Mama on Facebook -my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 12

I'm a fan of your author blog on Facebook -my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 13

I'm a fan of Organicville Foods on Facebook -my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 14

I follow you on Twitter, I'm @AmberGoo, and tweeted:!/AmberGoo/status/66590900700200960
Thank you for the giveaway :)

cw said... 15

I would like to try their strawberry ice cream

cw said... 16

follow on gfc -cw

Barb said... 17

I would most like to try their mild salsa,pineapple salsa & their garlic & basil tomato sauces. barb g. directorylaneuperstore(at)

Barb said... 18

I receive your email newsletters love this prize I like to try new sauces these sounds very fresh. barb g.

Barb said... 19

I like you on facebook. barb g.

Barb said... 20

I am on your gfc fan box. barb g.

Barb said... 21

I'm on your gfc fan box for your author blog. barb g.

Barb said... 22

Your blog button is on barb g.

Barb said... 23

I like your sponsor on facebook barb g.

Ash said... 24

I would like to try the caramel swirl organic low fat ice cream, yum!


BethElderton said... 25

I'd love to try the medium salsa and I learned that I can find these at my neighborhood Sprouts store!
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 26

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bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 27

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bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 28

I follow you on twitter as mbm218 and tweeted:!/mbm218/status/66710633877487616
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 29

I follow your author blog on gfc
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 30

I follow your author blog on twitter as mbm218
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 31

I joined Organicville on twitter as mbm218
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Kari said... 32

I'd love the dark chocolate icecream

Kari said... 33

Im an email subscriber

Kari said... 34

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Kari said... 35

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Kari said... 36

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Kari said... 37

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Kari said... 38

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Kari said... 39

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Kari said... 40

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Kari said... 41

I follow Organicville on twitter

johannadb said... 42

I would like to try the mild organic salsa

johannadb said... 43

email subscriber

johannadb said... 44

FB friend

johannadb said... 45

FB fan of new age mama

johannadb said... 46

follow author blog on FB

Unknown said... 47

Caramel Swirl Organic Low Fat Ice Cream

AmberFaith said... 48

I'd love to try their island teriyaki sauce.

littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

AmberFaith said... 49

I like your page on FB.
Amber Faith Pilcher

littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

AmberFaith said... 50

I like your author blog on FB.
Amber Faith Pilcher

littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

AmberFaith said... 51

I like Organicville on FB.
Amber Faith Pilcher

littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com

Fawn said... 52

I would love to try the Non Dairy Organic Mayo
alsmalu at

Fawn said... 53

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alsmalu at

Fawn said... 54

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alsmalu at

Fawn said... 55

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alsmalu at

Fawn said... 56

follow your author blog on Twitter @fhammons
alsmalu at

Fawn said... 57

fan of Organicville on FB (FawnHammons)
alsmalu at

Jackie said... 58

I'd like to try the Sesame Organic Teriyaki Sauce. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 59

I subscribe via email
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 60

I follow on google friend connect
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 61

I am a fan of Organicville on face book
jackievillano at gmail dot com

lolamichele said... 62

I'd love to try the dark chocolate ice cream.

boswife @ gmail . com

lolamichele said... 63

I like them on facebook

boswife @ gmail . com

Renee G said... 64

I would love to try their Vanilla Bean Organic Low Fat Ice Cream.

Renee G said... 65

I am an email subscriber

Renee G said... 66

I am an email subscriber

Renee G said... 67

I follow as Renee G on GFC

llinda29 said... 68

I want Organicville’s Island Teriyaki sauce

llinda29 said... 69

I sub to email

llinda29 said... 70

I gfc

bison61 said... 71

I'd like to try their Stone Ground Organic Mustard

tiramisu392 (at)

Kristen said... 72

I'd like to try the pineapple salsa.

kristen702 at yahoo dot com

Kristen said... 73

GFC follower.

kristen702 at yahoo dot com

Kristen said... 74

Email subscriber.

kristen702 at yahoo dot com

Mel said... 75

I'd like to try the Sesame Organic Teriyaki sauce
meltheplux at gmail dot com

Mel said... 76

email subscriber
meltheplux at gmail dot com

Mel said... 77

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meltheplux at gmail dot com

Mel said... 78

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meltheplux at gmail dot com

Mel said... 79

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meltheplux at gmail dot com

Mel said... 80

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meltheplux at gmail dot com

Mel said... 81

Follow your author blog on fB (Melanie Morin)
meltheplux at gmail dot com

Mel said... 82

Like Organicville on fb (Melanie Morin)
meltheplux at gmail dot com

My Own Kind Of Healthy said... 83

I would love to try the ice cream
hbolduc5209 at gmail dot com

My Own Kind Of Healthy said... 84

I follow you via FB
hbolduc5209 at gmail dot com

My Own Kind Of Healthy said... 85

Follow you via GFC

peripatetic33 said... 86

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
i would like to try mild organic salsa and caramel swirl organic low fat icecream

peripatetic33 said... 87

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
email subscriber

peripatetic33 said... 88

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
GFC follower

peripatetic33 said... 89

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
your friend on facebook as Peripatetic Thirtythree

peripatetic33 said... 90

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
New Age Mama fan on facebook as Peripatetic Thirtythree

peripatetic33 said... 91

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
following your author blog on facebook as Peripatetic Thirtythree

peripatetic33 said... 92

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
fan of Organicveill Foods on facebook as Peripatetic Thirtythree

msrodeobrat said... 93

id like the Caramel Swirl Organic Low Fat Ice Cream
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 94

I would like the Strawberry Banana Organic Low Fat Ice Cream

April said... 95

I would like to try the Pineapple Organic Salsa

Anonymous said... 96

yum, their organic strawberry ice cream sounds great

aarobertson75 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said... 97

email subscriber

aarobertson75 at comcast dot net

kolpin said... 98

Pineapple Organic Salsa
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said... 99

gfc follower kolpin
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said... 100

gfc follower kolpin
author blog
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said... 101

twitter follower @kolpin4680
author blog
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said... 102

Organicville twitter follower @kolpin4680

kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said... 103


twitter follower @kolpin4680 kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

polly said... 104

i would love to try their dark chocolate organic ice cream

polly said... 105

email subscriber

polly said... 106

follow gfc

polly said... 107

follow your author blog gfc

Anonymous said... 108

I would like to try the Pineapple Organic salsa and the Strawberry Organic Ice Cream too!

Anonymous said... 109

I would love to try the Organicville Dijon Organic Mustard as well.

cloud10277 said... 110

I'd like to try the Pineapple Organic Salsa.

cloud10277 said... 111

I follow you on Twitter

cloud10277 said... 112

I'm a friend on Facebook
Tracy P

cloud10277 said... 113

I'm a fan of Organicville on Facebook
Tracy P

susansmoaks said... 114

i would love to try the Vanilla Bean Organic Low Fat Ice Cream
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Deborah Wellenstein said... 115

The Strawberry Organic Ice Cream looks delicious!

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said... 116

I like you on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said... 117

I follow you on Networked Blogs as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said... 118

I follow your author blog via GFC as dwellenstein.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said... 119

I like Organicville on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Baby Mama said... 120

I would like to try the catsup or ice cream

Baby Mama said... 121

gfc sarah_roxy_21

Diana said... 122

I would love to try the strawberry ice cream

Diana said... 123

I follow on GFC

Diana said... 124

I follow on networked blogs

Diana said... 125

I follow Organicville on twitter

cman said... 126

Original Organic BBQ Sauce.

An Apel a Day said... 127

I'd love to try: Caramel Swirl Organic Low Fat Ice Cream
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

An Apel a Day said... 128

Fan of New Age Mama on FB. alissa spiehs-a
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

An Apel a Day said... 129

Follow your author blog on GFC
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

An Apel a Day said... 130

Follow your author blog on FB. alissa spiehs-a
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

An Apel a Day said... 131

Fan of Organicville on FB. alissa spiehs-a
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

An Apel a Day said... 132

alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

Erica G said... 133

I would like to try their Tangy Organic BBQ Sauce.

cinderhwims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 134


cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 135

your friend on fb
user: Acire Acerg

cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 136

fan of New Age Mama on fb
user: Acire Acerg

cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 137

following on networked blogs

cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 138

following author blog via gfc

cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 139

following author on twitter
user: notenthused

cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 140

like author page on fb
user: Acire Acerg

cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 141

like them on fb
user: Acire ACerg

cinderwhims at gmail dot com

Erica G said... 142

following them on twitter
user: notenthused

cinderwhims at gmail dot com

dvice12 said... 143

I like Miso Ginger Organic Vinaigrette

dvice12 said... 144

I Follow your author blog on friend connect

dvice12 said... 145

I Follow your author blog on twitter

kerismommy said... 146

I would love to try the Dark Chocolate Organic Ice Cream!

Heather S said... 147

Mild Salsa

hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com

Heather S said... 148

Button on blog said... 149

I would like to try their organic catsup.
Diane Baum

celebrie2 said... 150

Hi, I would love to try the Island Teriyaki sauce:


celebrie2 said... 151

i follow via e-mail:

celebrie2 said... 152

i follow via GFC: celebrie2


celebrie2 said... 153

I'm your friend on FB: Cyndi STallings


celebrie2 said... 154

I'm a friend on FB:
Cyndi Stallings


celebrie2 said... 155

i follow via Networked Blogs:


celebrie2 said... 156

I follow Author Laura on FB:
cyndi stallings


celebrie2 said... 157

I follow author Laura on GFC:


celebrie2 said... 158

I like Organicville on FB:
cyndi stallings
