Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Gift Idea - Gazillion Foam-I-Nator Review

Spring is here and its time to get our kids off the couch and outside to play. Easter is the perfect time to give your kids a gift that will encourage outdoor play for the whole spring and summer. If you are looking for some great outdoor gift ideas, Gazillion has just what you're looking for. From everyday bubbles to their brand new line of foaming guns from Gaz-Zuds, your kids can have lots of bubbly and sudsy action all summer long.

For our review, we received the Gaz-Zuds Foam-I-Nator Foam Making Machine.  Parents, make sure kids don't use this inside the house. It only takes a few seconds to get it started, and in seconds, it will be dripping with foam. You will need to add four double D batteries. Then all you have to do is fill the dip tray with the Gazillion solution, dip and soak the Foam-I-Nator, and pull the trigger. My kids were amazed with all the foam they created and had a great time tossing it at each other in the back yard.  Even the dog loved jumping around in it. They did need to jump in the shower when they were done because they were a little sticky. So keep that in mind if you get one for your kids.

In addition to the Foam-I-Nator, Gazillion also has lots of other fun bubble making toys that would make great Easter basket stuffers, like the Bubble Hurricane or the something from their Disney collection. To learn more about this great company and all they have to offer, be sure to visit their website. In addition to the Gazillion brand, Funrise Toys also make Tonka Trucks, Sassy Stables, Tub Town and lots more fun toys that would make great gifts for kids on all ages. Check them out today because your Easter shopping won't be complete without them.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***