Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pentip's Place Review & Giveaway

 My oldest daughter has inherited my love of all things magical. She has a huge collection of fairies and unicorns all over her room. So it was a wonderful surprise last week when we received a beautiful hand made unicorn figure from Pentip's Place on the same day that my daughter donated her hair to Locks for Love.  She fell in love with it immediately because like all the items in the shop they are infused with the magic and uniqueness you can only find on Etsy.

I was completely amazed at the detail of the unicorn figure we received to review. While its made completely by hand using simple materials like cloth and yarn, when you look at it, you will see its an intricate masterpiece. Our unicorn was white with blue accents. The mane is made from yarn, and the body is so well sown together, I couldn't even find any seams. It is enhanced with black beaded eyes and sparkling designs along the whole of its body. But the thing I find the most amazing about his piece is that they somehow manage to get the legs to move just like a plastic figure. But you should keep in mind that these amazing works of art are meant as decorations and are not going to hold up to rough play. Ours is proudly displayed on my daughter's dresser with her other unicorn collectibles.

The unicorns are only one example of so many beautiful, one of kind pieces you can find at Pentip's Place.  They also have ponies and horses, Pegasuses, leopards and more. One of my favorites is the Griffin which looks so amazing and life like in the photos. In addition to the animal figures, you can also find some unique jewelry. If you are looking for a gift for a collection or maybe you have a horse lover if your life, this is a shop that will provide you with something truly unique.

One very lucky winner is going to win the beautiful pink Solvey Pony shown in the photo to the right. To enter this giveaway, please visit Pentip's Place and tell me another item you would love to have. For additional entries you can do any of the following, but you must complete this initial entry first. Any entries that do not follow these guidelines will be deleted.

1) Subscribe to my blog by email
2) Follow my blog on friend connect
3) Blog about this giveaway with a link to New Age Mama and Pentip(5 Entries)
4) Follow me on twitter and tweet this giveaway using the button at the top of this post (Daily)
5) Become my friend on face book  or a fan of New Age Mama on Face Book (one entry each)
6) Grab my main button and tell me where I can find it
7) Follow New Age Mama on Network Blog
8) Follow my author blog on friend connect, twitter, or  face book (one entry each)
9) Post this giveaway on any sweepstakes site, Mr Linky, or other networking website-leave the link where I can find it (1 entry each)
10) Heart the Pentip Etsy shop

This giveaway will end at midnight on  3/13/11 and is open to the continental US only. The winner will be chosen via a random number generator. Thanks again to Pentip's Place for offering this great prize!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


Kari said...

I like Tel the Leopard. They are all beautiful though!

Kari said...

Im an email subscriber

Kari said...

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Kari said...

Im a fan on facebook too

Kari said...

I follow your author blog on gfc

Kari said...

I follow your author blog on facebook

Kari said...

I hearted her etsy shop (firedancer623)

Anonymous said...

I'm her friend on Deviantart, and I tell you, her stuff, it's so beautiful that words cannot describe!

Kimberly said...

I like their Griffon

Kimberly said...

I follow via email

Kimberly said...

I follow on GFC

Molly Gilroy - Baby Noises said...

My daughter loves horses, these are beautiful!!

On another note, I have friends over at Nurture Center in San Fransisco, CA (they carry eco-friendly baby products like reusable diapers & water birthing tubs) and was wondering if you could add a link to your website?

In exchange I could add a link & review of your website on mine or Nurture Center could make a one time monetary donation to you. Let me know if this interests you or if you are open to any other ideas from them.

Look forward to hearing back from you either way..... Thanks for taking the time to respond to me!!

Molly Gilroy
Proud Mother of 4
Author of http://babynoises.com
"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness."

Sylvia said...

I like Dragonfly

Sylvia said...

I follow with GFC

pitufas_021 said...

Fantasy Horse

pitufas_021 said...


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pitufas_021 said...

follow author LD on FB

deb c said...

I love Dragonfly!

deb c said...

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new age mama facebook fan-debbie coyle

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follow author blog gfc-missdeb1

deb c said...

like author blog on facebook-debbie coyle

Chandra (Fanatic about Saving) said...

I would also like the Griffin.

Chandra (Fanatic about Saving) said...

I am a subscriber via email!

Chandra (Fanatic about Saving) said...

I follow you on gfc!

Terri said...

I like Dragonfly. At first look, I thought it was a unicorn. :-)

Terri said...

Hearted the Pentip Etsy shop.

pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

pitufas_021 said...

follow LD on FB

pitufas_021 said...

fan of NAM

pitufas_021 said...

heart pentip etsy shop

bison61 said...

I like Tel the Leopard

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

pitufas_021 said...


pitufas_021 said...

follow Ld on FB

pitufas_021 said...

follow author Ld

pitufas_021 said...

fan of NAM

pitufas_021 said...

heart the Pentip Etsy shop

Emillie Rose said...

I like the Reserved listing - Solvey.

Emillie Rose said...

I heart the etsy shop - emilliep.

Emillie Rose said...

I follow on twitter and shared this giveaway using the link above - hisprincess886.

Emillie Rose said...

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Emillie Rose said...

I follow new age mama on facebook - emillie rose.

Emillie Rose said...

I Follow your author blog - gfc - emillie.

Emillie Rose said...

I follow your author page on twitter - hisprincess886.

Emillie Rose said...

I follow your author page on facebook - emillie rose.

Softie cafe said...

I love adrian the fox...so adorable!

pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

AmberFaith said...

I love Tel the Leopard!


AmberFaith said...

GFC follower


AmberFaith said...

Fan of NAM on FB.
Amber Faith Pilcher


AmberFaith said...

I follow your author blog via Twitter.


Lee said...

I love Adrain the Fox in the shop!

Lee said...

i hearted their shop on etsy - butler83

Lee said...

I follow your blog - gfc

Lee said...

I follow your author blog - gfc

Lee said...

i subscribe - email

David said...

i like the griffon

pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

BethElderton said...

What a lovely shop! The Griffon is so cool for my older daughter.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I'm an email subscriber
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

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bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I follow as mbm218 on twitter and tweeted:
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I joined the Laura DeLuca blog as a gfc friend
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I joined Laura DeLuca on twitter as mbm218
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I hearted the sweet Pentip shop on Etsy
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

slb3334 said...

I like Tel the leopard.


crystletellerday said...

another product i like is tal the leopard crystletellerday@yahoo.com

pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

Nicole C. said...

I would love to have Tel the Leopard.


Nicole C. said...

I follow on gfc.


mogrill said...

I love the Dragonfly.
Thanks for the chance.

BethElderton said...

daily tweet :)
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

daily tweet :D
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

BethElderton said...

daily tweet:
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

Unknown said...

Follow GFC

Unknown said...

follow LD on FB

Unknown said...

fan of NAM

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Tel the Leopard

Unknown said...

Heart the Pentip Etsy shop

Unknown said...

Tel the Leopard

Unknown said...

fan of NAM

Unknown said...

heart Pentip shop

Unknown said...


i tweeted

Shannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shannon said...

I love the hippocampus


Shannon said...

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Shannon said...

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Shannon said...

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Shannon said...

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Shannon said...

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Shannon said...

I heart pentip on etsy (kayleetoo)


BethElderton said...

daily :)
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

Unknown said...


i tweeted

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I also like the Fairy Vial Necklace.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

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Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

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Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

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stracey2010 said...

i love the Hippocampus - Challisel


BethElderton said...

daily :D
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

debijackson said...

I like unicorn necklace

debijackson said...

email sub

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debijackson said...


debijackson said...

author blog on friend connect,

debijackson said...

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debijackson said...

author blog on tw as jacksondeb

debijackson said...


Mostly a Mama said...

Love the Dragonfly beautiful

Mostly a Mama said...

I subscribe via email

Mostly a Mama said...

friend connect

Mostly a Mama said...


Mostly a Mama said...

friend on FB
butterflymld Melissa

Mostly a Mama said...

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Butterflymld Melissa

Mostly a Mama said...

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Mostly a Mama said...

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Mostly a Mama said...

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Mostly a Mama said...

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Butterflymld Melissa

Mostly a Mama said...

<3 the Pentup Etsy Shop

Anonymous said...

I really love the Griffon and the Fairy Vial necklace -- so cool!

pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

Laura said...

They are all so beautiful but I love Golden the Unicorn.

Laura said...

I follow you on twitter.

Laura said...

Facebook Fan.

Laura said...

GFC follower.

Tracey said...

I like the Griffon.

Melissa B. said...

I would love to have the Fairy Vial Necklace.

Anonymous said...

I like tel the leopard
willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

BethElderton said...

daiily :D
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

cman said...


cman said...

I'm a GFC follower.

cman said...

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