Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Better Life Review & Giveaway

I am a clean freak and my house always has to be in order and sparkling clean. But I hate chemicals. I hate the way they smell and I'm afraid of what they might be doing to the health of my family. So I am always on the look out for awesome green cleaning products. There are a lot of them out here but many of them are either extremely expensive or don't work very well.  But the products available from Better Life are different. They are great green products that live up to their promises of a true clean. And they are affordable for the average household.

I was lucky enough to be able to try out a whole selection of the products in the Better Life line.  The What-EVER multi purpose cleaner was amazing. It cut through kitchen grease and even spaghetti sauce cleaned up easily.  The bathroom cleaner removed hard water stains in the bathroom, and the floor cleaner made the kitchen floor shine. Their Glass Cleaner left mirrors and windows sparkling and streak free. But it also worked great on counter tops, the stove top, and even the microwave. They even have special formulas for the nursery and  granite counter tops. Whatever area in your home needs to get clean, you can find just what you need at Better Life.

Aside from their great cleaning power, I love the light crisp scents. Most are have a citrus or lavender scent which is refreshing but not overpowering. I especially loved the lavender and chamomile stainless steel polish. Its like an air freshener and a cleaner all in one. There are no harsh chemical smells  that make you cough or gag and I don't have to worry about using it when the baby is in the room. Their concentrated formulas save you time and money  because a little bit will go a long way. And most importantly, each one is made from 100% naturally-derived and sustainable ingredients.

Wouldn't you love to try out these amazing cleaning products in your home? One lucky winner is going to receive a starter package from Better Life to try for themselves. To enter, just visit their site and tell me something your learned or a product you would like to try.  For additional entries you can do any of the following, but you must complete this initial entry first. Any entries that do not follow these guidelines will be deleted.

1) Subscribe to my blog by email
2) Follow my blog on friend connect
3) Blog about this giveaway with a link to New Age Mama and Better Life(5 Entries)
4) Follow me on twitter and tweet this giveaway using the button at the top of this post (Daily)
5) Become my friend on face book  or a fan of New Age Mama on Face Book (one entry each)
6) Grab my main button and tell me where I can find it
7) Follow New Age Mama on Network Blog
8) Follow my author blog on friend connect, twitter, or  face book (one entry each)
9) Post this giveaway on any sweepstakes site, Mr Linky, or other networking website-leave the link where I can find it (1 entry each)
10) Follow Clean Happens on twitter
11) Become a fan of Clean Happens on facebook
12) Follow the Clean Happens Blog

This giveaway will end at midnight on  3/7/11 and is open to the continental US only. The winner will be chosen via a random number generator. Thanks again to Better Life for offering this great prize!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


lolamichele said...

I learned that these products are available at walgreens, which is just down the street. :D

boswife @ gmail . com

PurpleLarkspur said...

I would like to try the kitchen sink cleaner. That is the one area that I am totally crazy about keeping perfectly clean!!

PurpleLarkspur said...

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Linda Kish said...

I would like the SIMPLY FLOORED! - Green Floor Cleaner 32 oz.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

I am a GFC follower

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

aperry said...
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aperry said...
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aperry said...

I learned that their surfactants made from sugar, starch, and amino acids

missanneperry at gmail dot com

aperry said...

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missanneperry at gmail dot com

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I follow via gfc Anne Perry

missanneperry at gmail dot com

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Anne E. Perry
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Anne E. Perry

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missanneperry atgmail dot com

Jackie said...

I'd love to try the I Can See Clearly, Wow! glass cleaner. I love the names of the products! Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I follow on google friend connect
jackievillano at gmail dot com

moonsword said...

I'd like to try the Even The Kitchen Sink gentle scrubbing cleaner. Thank you!

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

i would love to try the 2am MIRACLE

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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I follow via networked blogs FB name is Becky Barrett Beitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

I follow your author blog via GFC @Amateur Mommy (it may still state "LoveCubed" I just switched over)

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said...

I follow them via GFC @Amateur Mommy (it may still state "LoveCubed" I just switched over)

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

bukaeyes said...

I would love to try the I Can See Clearly, Wow! I love the names!

bukaeyes said...

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bukaeyes said...

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aperry said...

I follow clean happens on twitter @aeperry

missanneperry at gmail.com

aperry said...

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missanneperry at gmail.com

aperry said...

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missanneperry at gmail.com

aperry said...

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missanneperry at gmail.com

aperry said...

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missanneperry at gmail.com

aperry said...

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missanneperry at gmail.com

aperry said...

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missanneperry at gmail.com

Linda Kish said...

I am an Email subscriber

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

jen453 said...

I would like to try the floor cleaner jen453@hotmail dot com

aperry said...


missanneperry at gmail dot com

Emmy Coffee said...

One of the founders (a scientist), Kevin, spent the last several years specializing in natural skin care products.

Emmy Coffee said...

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Emmy Coffee said...

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NativeHalo said...

I'd love to try the Take it for Granite on my kitchen counter!


NativeHalo said...

I'm an email subscriber =]


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bison61 said...

Over 99% of the ingredients are natural or derived from natural, renewable resources, and the formulas have no aquatic or terrestrial toxicity . they use no nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) because they mess with the reproductive systems of marine life.

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

PurpleLarkspur said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/38101328752283648

Shannon said...

I learned "Under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act, household cleaners are the only household products for which manufacturers are NOT required to list all ingredients."


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Kari said...

I'd like to try "even the kitchen sink"

Kari said...

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PurpleLarkspur said...


Lina said...

I'd love to try the "Even the Kitchen Sink"

Lina said...

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PurpleLarkspur said...


Nicole C. said...

I would love to try Even the Kitchen Sink.


Nicole C. said...

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PurpleLarkspur said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/39936779494764544

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the fact that not only do they clean well but that they smell GOOD!

Anonymous said...

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ID stacyleewheeler

crystletellerday said...

id try even the kitchen sink crystletellerday@yahoo.com

PurpleLarkspur said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/40279296572534784

Kari said...

tweeted here http://twitter.com/firedancer6234

pitufas_021 said...

Tim and Kevin believe in doing, not just talking. Years of experience, lots of sweat (and really clean toilets) have lead to the safest, most powerful, and genuinely green household cleaning products on the planet. Welcome to a new safe era in household cleaning.

pitufas_021 said...

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PurpleLarkspur said...

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pitufas_021 said...


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PurpleLarkspur said...

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pitufas_021 said...


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pitufas_021 said...


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sweetsue said...

I would like to try Simply Floored-love the name!
smchester at gmail dot com

PurpleLarkspur said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/42104795997290496

pitufas_021 said...


PurpleLarkspur said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/42455797078298624

Unknown said...

I'd really like to try the Simply Floored. I have 13 pets, so I need a good green floor cleaner.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

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fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

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Brutus Duffy

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Anonymous said...

I'd love to try the what-EVER! These products have the cutest names!

hebert024 at aoldot com

PurpleLarkspur said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/42821950501961728

aperry said...


missanneperry at gmail dot com

PurpleLarkspur said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/43176095121543168

aperry said...


missanneperry at gmail dot com

Softie cafe said...

I would love to try the 2 am miracle and the kitchen sink one..also learned you can get them at walgreens..score!

Softie cafe said...

Also a fan on facebook
shanlyn shepherd-lucibello

Softie cafe said...

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shanlyn at live dot com

Anonymous said...

I would really like to see for myself if the I Can See Clearly -- Wow! glass cleaner works well. I have a hard time finding a glass cleaner that doesn't leave streaks.

Anonymous said...

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A Psych Mommy said...

I'd like to try the 2 am miracle

apsychmommy at gmail dot com

A Psych Mommy said...

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apsychmommy at gmail dot com

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A Psych Mommy said...

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apsychmommy at gmail dot com

A Psych Mommy said...

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pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

aperry said...

missanneperry at gmail.com

rah267 said...

crazyred61 at yahoo dot com
I like Oaky Doaky wood polish

peripatetic33 said...

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
i learned Better Life won the St. Luis Business Journal Heroes of the Planet Award

peripatetic33 said...

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
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peripatetic33 said...

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Peripatetic thirtythree

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Peripatetic thirtythree

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Peripatetic thirtythree

peripatetic33 said...

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pitufas_021 said...


i tweeted

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I would like to try the Simply Floors Green Floor Cleaner.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

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aperry said...

missanneperry at gmail.com

PurpleLarkspur said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/PurpleLarkspur/status/44512372454469632

Amy said...

I would love to try Simply Floored! I'm always on the look out for a great hardwood floor cleaner because I've yet to find one that really impresses me. The fact that it's natural is a huge bonus!

amysweeps at gmail dot com

Amy said...

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-amysweeps at gmail dot com

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Amy said...

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-amysweeps at gmail dot com

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-amysweeps at gmail dot com

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-amysweeps at gmail dot com

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-amysweeps at gmail dot com

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-amysweeps at gmail dot com

esldiane@gmail.com said...

I'd like to try the kitchen sink cleaner
Diane Baum

Renee G said...

I would love to try the Even the Kitchen Sink.

Renee G said...

I follow as Renee G on GFC

Kitty Cardero said...

I learned that I can't buy their products locally but I can order from walgreens online.

Kitty Cardero said...

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Deborah Wellenstein said...

A product I would like to get is Simply Floored. Thanks!

dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I am an email subscriber.

dwellenstein at cox dot net

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dwellenstein at cox dot net

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dwellenstein at cox dot net

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dwellenstein at cox dot net

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dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said...

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dwellenstein at cox dot net

Deborah Wellenstein said...

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dwellenstein at cox dot net

susan1215 said...

I'd love to try the I Can See Clearly, Wow! glass cleaner as I can never seem to get my windows clean

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

Like you on FB Susan Smith

calvad said...

I would love to try the SIMPLY FLOORED! calvad at aol dot com