Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ratuki Review

As soon as homework and dishes are done for the night, my family always takes out a board game. Its a great way to spend some quality time together. Of course, Hasbro is a company we all know and love. They make dozens of games like  Monopoly and Life. These are classic games that have been around for generations and I'm sure will still be around when my kids are grandparents. But its also nice to mix things up a little and play new game like Hasbro's newest arrival, Ratuki.

Ratuki is a fast paced card game that is perfect for kids ages eight and older. The game comes with three decks of cards in three different colors. All the cards are numbered one through five but in lots of different styles. Each player chooses one deck. The object of the game is to score the most points. You earn points by gathering the largest pile of cards. You will have three cards in your hand at any given time. You will keep drawing continuously while you try to get the numbers in order. You keep laying down cards that are either one number higher or lower than the one if the stack. Once you get to five, you shout Ratuki and grab the stack. Each card is that stack is worth one point. If you have  card in your hand you can't use, you have to toss it your junk pile. The strategy comes in knowing when to stop so you get the most points.

Ratuki is easy and fun to play. Its moves very quick and there is no waiting to take your turn as all players get to play at once. Both my kids enjoyed playing the game and I would definitely recommend it for any one with kids eight and up. It you are looking for a last minute stocking stuffer Ratuki would be a terrific choice.
To keep up with the latest promotions from Hasbro, be sure to follow all their various networking sites:


***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***