Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yoplait Save Lids to Save Lives MyGetTogether!

Yoplait is a company that will always have my loyalty because they support the battle against breast cancer. I have participated in their Save Lids To Save Lives Program for years. Its a wonderful way to help make a difference. I like to gather up the lids from all my friends and send them in together. Back when I was working, I even was known for sneaking into the trash and taking lids from people who were too lazy to clean them off. Is that dedication or what?

This year, I was really excited to be able to host the a "MyGetTogether" in honor of the Yoplait Save Lids to Save Lives campaign. I invited over a group of my fellow moms and we had a fun girls night where we got to enjoy some of Yoplaits best yogurts inlcuding their Whips, Light,and Thick and Creamy varieties .  But while we sipped our coffee and enjoyed our yogurt we also shared stories of family members who have battled with breast cancer. My own grandmother was diagnosed with cancer in her eighties and lived another ten years before she died of an unrelated illness. My great-aunt had her breast removed but she is still kicking at ninety today!  Others had similar stories to share, including my friend Barb whose mother lost her battle with cancer when she was in high school.  While she didn't make it, her strength and courage are something that Barb and her friends will always remember.

In addition to our stories, we also took some time to talk about the steps you can take to catch breast cancer early.  Yoplait provided us with a step by step guide to a Breast Self Examination. While discussing the idea of "touching" yourself in this way may make some woman uncomfortable, its important that we all familiarize ourselves with our breasts. If we check ourselves monthly, we will be able to notice if a strange lump suddenly develops. Of course mammograms are mandatory as well, but a self examination is a great way to check things out in between doctor visits.

Once all the serious stuff was done, we got to the fun part of our get together. We had a drawing for a copy of the amazing book, "Promise Me" which is written by Nancy G. Brinker and tells the story of a how a sister's love launched the global movement to end breast cancer. The book was won by my friend Donna, but she promised to pass it around to the rest of the group when she was done. I was also able to hand out  lots of coupons for Yoplait and all my guests have promised to bring me back the lids so we can send them off and do our part in finding a cure. 

All in all, my Yoplait Save Lids to Save Lives MyGetTogether was a huge success. It was wonderful getting together with friends for such a great cause and I think we all learned a lot. We have already decided to make saving lids an annual thing and we all promised to examine ourselves regularly. Most importantly, we promised that we will always come together and support each other whenever any of us have to deal with the challenge of breast cancer and to always do what we can towards finding the cure.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***