Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fauxpaw Productions Review

My family are animal people. We currently have two cats and a dog. We would have more if we had a bigger house. My kids love our pets and animals in general. Most of their stuffed animals are dogs and cats instead of the traditional teddy bears. And they have always loved reading books about animals. So they were very excited to check out the amazing books from FauxPaw Productions.

We were lucky enough to receive a whole set of books as well as a few of their hand puppets. The books were a big hit with my older kids as well as the baby. Willow is really attracted to the bright and colorful pictures. They really seem to jump out at you. The book is larger than most children's books and the pages are big and easy to grip. Willow was able to turn pages for the first time. The print is big too and easy for young kids to read on their own.

All of the main characters are cats and dogs. Their fun adventures teach kids  valuable lessons about self esteem and uniqueness. Each book features a different four legged friend that children are sure to love. The stories are fun to read and having the puppets to go along with the stories makes them even more exciting.  My older daughter read the books to the baby and they both had a wonderful time.

In addition to books, Fauxpaw also offers tons of other wonderful products. You can find hand painted ceramic bowls that you can have made in the likeness of your pet.  They also have cookie jars, pet awards, statues and more.  All of the items are made by Debby Carmen, who is also the artist and cartoonist of the books.  If you are a animal lover, check out Fauxpaw Productions today.  You sure to find something that is puuurfect for you!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***