Monday, June 28, 2010

Glass Dharma Straws Review

My kids are always asking to use straws when they are having a drink. Its something that makes them feel special and grown up. But in my efforts to go green, I stopped buying plastic straws because it seemed like an unneccessary waste.  Even reusing them seemed impossible because they would get moldy inside and there really wasn't any way to clean them. So for the last few years my family has been strawless. Something that, I admit, even I missed on occasion. Especially when I was having a milk shake or a smoothie. But now I can go back to straws again thanks to the amazing glass straws available at Glass Dharma.

My family reecived an assortment of glass straws from Glass Dharma. They were a big hit all around and I have to say, they are a really great idea. Before seeing them in person, I was afraid they might be flimsy and I would have to worry they would break easily and get ruined or that my kids might even cut themselves. But they are made from thick sturdy glass that would take alot of effort to break.

The straws come in a variety of sizes so they will work with any drink from water to milk shakes. They even have little ones that would add a little glamour to mixed drinks or can be used to stir your coffee. The uses for these straws are unless. And because they are dishwasher safe, they can be used again and again which will eliminate waste.  They even have straws with beautiful colored glass bead embellishments that are not only functional but elegant.

The beautiful straws from Glass Dharma run anywhere from $8 to $12 per straw. This may seen expensive at first glance, but consider the alternative for just a minute. A box 100 straws probably costs around $5. But eventually you'll go through that box and they will be gone--piling up in a landfill somewhere or becoming a part of the Great Pacific Garbage patch I mentioned a few days ago. With the Dharma Glass straws, just a few will last for years. So in the long term, you are saving money as well as saving Mother Earth.

If you would like to learn more about Dharma Glass Straws, you can visit their website. You can also follow them on twitter or become their fan on face book.  Dharma Glass is a great way to take a stand and start living green. If you want to make a big difference in one small simple step,  check them out today.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***