Monday, May 3, 2010

Ever Hear of a Penny Party

So, did you ever hear of a Penny Party? They are pretty common down my way. They are kind of like a flea market except you win the stuff. You pay $1 for an envelope with 100 tickets in it with your number. Then you go around to a bunch of tables and drop your number in the things you want. The money usually goes to charity, like a church or the senior center. I haven't been to one in a long time, but yesterday I look my kids to one. It cost us $1 each to get in which includes a drink and a snack. And then we each got two envelopes for $1 each. That us a total of $7 and we won all the items pictured above.  There are some stuffed animals, lots of kids books, a few video games, a Christmas and a cat cookie jar. We even got some collectibles like a some Avon X-mas plates from 1984 and 2000 and an old Dept 56 Water Globe (these things sell great on ebay). We actually got a lot more but I had to leave some there. My kids go a little nuts sometimes and start putting their numbers in everything.

In addition to the penny tables, most of the time they have a Tromola table at the Penny Parties with new items that are donated by the local business. I spent $10 for 20 tickets and won a $50 GC to my husband's chiropatractor, a free pizza from a local delli, a Thanksgiving decoration, a leap frog book, and a magnetic ball thingy.  They also had a 50/50 but I didn't win that :(  Sometimes there is a basket of cheer but that depends on whether the location is allowed to give away alcohol. All in all, they are lots of fun and I always make out great.   Plus the money is going to charity so its going to a good cause and can actually be considered a tax write off.

I thought being that most of the readers like entering giveaways, they would think something like this was interesting. I was wondering if anyone else has Penny Party's in other states or  if its a South Jersey thing. I'd love to hear some stories if anyone wants to share. 


ShellyH said...

It has been years since I have attended a penny Southern PA you can find them too.

Jackie said...

I love these auctions! I am in North Jersey, we call them Tricky Tray auctions. I've never been to a penny party..sounds like so much fun! Thanks for sharing.

Becca said...

I've never heard of it...but it sounds amazing! :)

Cheryl B said...

I have never heard of a penny party, but now I want to go to one!

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of a Penny Party (here in California) but it sure sounds like fun. Will have to work on doing on of these real soon!
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

momznite said...

I hope you have a big toy box and some other good places to stash all your loot! Now I'll be on the look out for a Penny Party.

Anonymous said...

I'd never heard of a penny party but it is a great idea...particularly for back to school or Xmas fund raising. I sent your URL to other ladies in my church group so they can read up and consider trying such a party.
Thanks for a great idea!

hickcrazy1 at yahoo dot com