Monday, May 3, 2010

Eat Smart Digital Bathroom Scale Review

I have a terrible secret. Its been a little over three months since I had my baby and I am still wearing my maternity pants. With my other two kids I had already lost the baby fat by now, but I guess since I am almost ten years older this time around I have a lower metabolism.  I absolutely refuse to spend money getting a bigger size in regular pants when I am determined to get back into a size 7.  I admit I've been a little lax in this department. Its hard to find time to exercise when you have three kids and a blog to worry about. But I think I've finally found the incentive I need to get up off my butt and lose that weight. That incentive came in the form of an ultra thin bathroom scale from Eat Smart.

This is such a nifty little scale. I have limited space in my small house, but the Eat Smart Scale is so sleek and compact it hardley takes up any room at all. I am actually able to slide it under the very small space under my bathroom cabinets. But more importantly, it how easy it is to use. You just step on it, and within seconds your shown an accurate weight. The numbers are digital so there's no guessing if you're somewhere in between two numbers. It even  comes with four free aaa batteries and a 2 year warranty.  The only down side for me was the number I saw when I stepped on the scale- Don't ask because I'm not telling what it was, but I know I have a lot of work to do. And now that I can check my weight regularly I won't be able to trick myself into thinking I'm getting thinner when I'm not.  Here are some of the features of the Eat Smart Digital Bathroom Scale:

1.EatSmart Precision Pro Sensor Technology
2.Compact Design and easy two-button operation
3.Tare Feature; Subtract the weight of any plate or container
4.4 measurement modes: grams / ounces / kilograms / pounds
5.Max weight 11 pounds / 5 kilograms
6.Auto-Calibration; 3 minute Auto-Turnoff
7.Economically priced
8.FREE Calorie Factors book - Perfect for calorie counting and portion control
In addition to bathroom scales, Eat Smart also offers Digital Food and Nutrient Calculators and a Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale™ -These are not only great for calculating calories but would also come in handy for all you Ebayers out there that have packages to weigh for shipping.  For more information on these great products, check out  If you are interested in making a purchase, the entire Eat Smart line is available on Amazon.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***


padacs said...

In the today’s era almost every person is worried about his or her overwhelming body weight. And the most amazing part is that everyone wants to look thinner and smarter than their friends.
Personal Scales