Friday, May 21, 2010

.01 cent Leg Huggers at Agoo! New Age Mama Exclusive

The wonderful people at Agoo are offering an amazing deal!   You can an get adorable set of leg huggers for only .01 cent!  The leggings are for ages 0 to any age. You can wear them on your legs and have them stretch or on your arms. Because of the bamboo there is a lot of give, and stretch, or you can crunch them up for tiny babies.
Rules: You can buy as many as they want but only the first is 1 cent plus our standard shipping fee ( ). This coupon is only good for the first 25 people who use it. So hurry!

Code: 1centleg9 This is a onetime use coupon, and can't be used with any other coupon.


Leah said... 1

$8 for shipping, though. EIGHT BUCKS! I'll pass on this one, but thanks! :)