Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Moments Hosted by Starbucks-A Big Decision

Today was an important day for me. I officially resigned from my job in order to be  stay-at-home mom. It was a tough decision to make and my family will have to make some sacrifices.  But it will be well worth it to be able to stay home and raise my baby. My boss took it well and even told me I that I better call him first as soon as I'm ready to work again.  So my Monday Moment was the joy I felt knowing I wasn't going to have to leave my baby. What could be better?

Do you have a Monday Moment to share. Tell me about for your chance to win the Starbucks giveaway which includes sample pack of Sbux Frappuccino (4bottles) and $10 gift card. This will be the final entry. You must post your comment on my original Monday Moments post for your entry to count. You can view it here. Thanks to Starbucks for sponsoring this giveaway. Giveaway will end at midnight tonight.