Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm

There is nothing softer than a new baby's skin.  Even their bottom is soft and sweet. But sometimes those  sensitive little bottoms can get easily irritated by dirty diapers and harsh chemicals. The Angel Baby Bottom Balm at Earth Mama Angel Baby is safe and natural way to treat diaper rashes.  This balm is allergy tested and non-irritating and is made with only vegan and organic ingredients.  It is the only balm made with organic olive oil infused with a proprietary blend of naturally antibacterial and antifungal organic herbs, shea butter and pure essential oils. And it doesn't only treat diaper rash. It can also be used for craddle cap, dry skin, bug bites and even razor burn for the grown ups.

Luckily, we haven't had any diaper rash issues since we got home from hospital. But Willow did have some cradle cap around her eye brows. I used the balm for a few days and it cleared up completely. I was very impressed with the quick results. I also like that it had light, earthy scent that was not overpowering and did not leave her skin greasy after use.

The Bottom Balm is only one of many wonderful products available at Eath Mama Angel Baby. They also have lotions and oils, postartum care, and even teas to held assist with breast milk production to name just a few things. All of their items are safe, pure and natural.  Check their store finder to find a location near you or you can order online.  With great organic items and every day low prices, Earth Mama Angel Mama is a great one stop shop for all your baby care and pregnancy needs.  Your baby's bottom is important, so give it the best there is to offer!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***


BABY CARE TIPS | Nalins India said...

A BABY is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase!
Great BABY CARE TIPS..keep it up!

Thnks &Rgds