Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sprout Baby Review & Discount Code

If you like organic baby food, BPA free feeding items, all natural baby baths or anything safe and healthy for your childrem then Sprout Baby is a one stop shop for all your needs. They have searched the world over to bring together the very best  available on one site to save you the time and trouble of having to search for yourself.

I was sent some samples of the Episencial Playful Foaming Wash to review. I used it for my baby and my older children tried it out as well.  I liked it for the baby because I could use it as a bubble bath as well as a body wash. It has a very light cirtrus scent that isn't overpowering.  When used while showering, it lathered up nicely.  It cleans well without leaving behind any greasy residue. But the best thing of all is that its completely organic with no additives. Plus they even use recycled materials for their bottles.

This is only one example of hundreds of wonderful items you can find at Sprout Baby.  And they don't stop with baby and children's items. There are tons of wonderful gift ideas for moms, dads, and even your home.  Here are just a few of the other items that are on my wish list.


Right now would be a great time to stop by Sprout Baby. This wonderful company is offering my readers 15% off their first purchase. Just use the code SBBL166 at check out.  Fill up your child's Easter Basket with wonderful toys or get something special for someone this mother's day.  Check Sprout Baby out today!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***