Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pediped Baby Shoes Review

 There is nothing like a cute pair of shoes to finish off the perfect outfit.  That's true for babies and children just as much as for adults.  I love finding cute shoes for my kids. But its hard to find shoes for little ones that are both stylish and comfortable.  Thank goodness for Pediped. As they state in their logo, their shoes are the next best thing to bare feet.

For our review, we received the adorable Addison shoes in 0-6 months. One of the problems I've always had with baby shoes is that they don't stay on their feet. They fall off when they kick or when your lifting them out of their car seats or boppy chairs. The shoes at Pediped fit snuggly so they don't fall off with movement. Yet they have enough room in the toes that they will last for several months. Even though they are a little more expensive that the average shoe, these will last long enough that its worth spending a few extra dollars. 

 The Addison shoes are only one of the lovely shoes you can choose from at Pediped. They have a large selection of shoes for both boys and girls in sizes ranging from 0-6 months through size 12.5. I am so dissappointed that I didn't find them sooner because my two older children are just a little too big for these shoes. But if the larger sizes are anything like the baby shoes, the quality of them will assure that they will stand up to lots of wear and tear. And there are so many choices, you'll find the perfect shoes for any outfit.

In addition to their shoes, Pediped also have a nice selection of tights and socks and hair clips. They are really a one-stop shop for all your child's accessory needs. They even have gift cards which would make a great gift for birthdays and Christmas. To keep up with the latest sales and promos, follow Pediped on twitter or become their fan on Face Book.  You can also sign up for their newsletter. However you do it, this is company you'll want to visit often if you have any little ones. You won't find quality shoes with so many adorable styles to choose from anywhere else.

 ***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***


Desi @ Wee Share said...

My friend swears by these and they are the only thing her daughter wears. I like the ones you chose for your daughter


Cheryl B said...

I need to keep these in mind next time I have a baby. I had trouble finding comfy shoes for my daughter when she was young.

You're daughter is getting so big! I can't believe how much hair she has! She's got more hair than my 2 yr. old daughter, who is only just now starting to get some actual hair!