Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Fun With Musselman's

When you think about Easter, apple sauce probably isn't the first thing that pops into your head. But at Musselman's, you can find lots of great Easter and Spring recipes that taste great and are lots of fun for your kids. Plus they are made with Musselman's great tasting apples auce so they are good for them too.   Check out this fun holiday activity you can share with your family:

•1/2 cup Musselman’s Apple Sauce (per person)
•1/2 cup any flavor yogurt (per person)
•Edible decorating extras (raisins, nuts, coconut, dried fruit, candies, licorice, etc)
Give each child a small dessert-size bowl. Add ½ cup of yogurt to ½ cup of Musselman’s Apple Sauce (or equal parts) for each bowl. (This creates the perfect texture for adding your decorations.) Use your favorite edible extras to create a silly bunny face in the bowl. Let your kids be creative! Cut out bunny ears and bow ties from contruction paper and let the kids color. Tape them to the outside of the bowl, and voila now you have a healthy side-dish that’s more fun to eat!
You can also create a larger serving-bowl size bunny face to place on the Holiday Dinner table.
Makes 1 servings

My kids had a great time making their bunny faces. And afterwards we had a yummy snack I could feel could about giving to them. For more great ideas, check out the Musselman's website or follow them on face book

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***