Thursday, February 18, 2010

Runt Farm Books Review

My son, Frankie, is in first grade this year. He's finding it a little challenging to make the transition from kindergarden where they spent a lot more time playing and had a lot less homework. In particular, he is struggling with reading. He gets frustrated easily so its hard to encourage him to try.  But when I can find books with a great story lines and beautiful illustrations, it really helps to hold his attention. The Runt Farm books are just those kinds of stories.

We received two books to review. "Under New Management" and "Beatrice and Blossom" . I don't want to give too much away, but the stories revolve around adorable little animals and their zany adventures. The books teach valuable lessons about friendship while engaging the reader in fun and exciting stories. My son was able to read most of the books on his own. He just needed a little help. My daughter, who's in third grade, had no trouble reading them on her own. They both loved the cute stories, and really enjoyed the beautiful artwork. They are already looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

The Runt Farm website is just as much fun as the books. They have a free fun section where you can print out coloring pages, download mini posters, and post your own stories.  They also have sections for parents and teachers offering learning resources. You should defintely check out the Meet the Runts page to learn all about each of the adorable characters.

If you would like to purchase the Runt Farm books, they are available on their online store for only $12.95 each.  Soon they will also have clothing, cards and more available featuring the Runt Farm characters.  To keep up with the lastest news from Runt Farm, you should sign up for their newsletter or become a fan on Face Book.  However you do it, you should defintely check out Runt Farm. These are wonderful, wholesome stories you will love to share with your children or grandchildren.


Jackie said...

The artwork on the front of the books is beautiful...and the animals are adorable. I visited the website. I love the character descriptions and read about the story line in the first and second book. This sounds like a really nice series. Thanks for the review.

Dana said...

These sound like great books for my son. He will be starting kindergarten next year!