Saturday, January 8, 2011

Never Let Me Go DVD Review

If you love movies that can move you to tears, than you have to see "Never Let Me Go". This is the type of film that will touch you on many different levels. It brings together an all star cast including Cary Mulligan, Andrew Garfield, and Keira Knightly, who all give glowing performances. The story follows the lives of three friends, starting with their time in a mysterious boarding school. Shortly into the movie, you learn that they are genetically engineered clones whose sole purpose in life if to be organ donors. While they are always friends, an inevitable love triangle develops.  Kathy and Tommy are the two that really belong together, but the more aggressive Ruth has a way of getting in the middle of them. Throughout the movie, they struggle to find a way be together. If they are able to find true love, they believe they might be granted a few extra years of life before they have to become donors.

While the love story in this movie is endearing and emotional, that is not the aspect of the movie that really held my attention. In a world where genetic cloning is a real possible, the thought of creating people, just to steal their organs, is a disturbing thought. The characters in the film do sometimes wonder about their "original" whom they were cloned from, but they never even question or fight their destiny of giving their lives for others. At best, they only hope for a few extra years. They know the whole time that they will never live to be middle aged, and they accept it with amazing grace.

There are a few people in the movie who do what they can to try to prove the clones are people too, that they have souls, but they are constantly thwarted by those who are not willing to give up their miracle cures. It makes me wonder how our world would really react to this situation. Its easy for me to say I would never take another person's life, clone or not, when me and my children are healthy. But if one of my children needed a new heart or liver and a nameless, faceless clone could give it to them, would I have the strength to turn it down? Would you? Even if you knew they could love and fear death just as much as we do?  If we could overlook their very human feelings to suite ourselves while they face death with courage and grace, maybe we are the ones that have no soul.

As you can see, this is the kind of movie that invokes deep thought and emotion. I would recommend it to anyone. It will touch you in more ways than you can imagine.  You can purchase this amazing film in retailers nationwide beginning on 2/4/11.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***