Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Sweepstakes Wins for 11/19/2009

Some people think I'm wasting my time by entering online contests/sweepstakes. But I only spend a few hours a day (a little more now that I'm home on bed rest with nothing better to do) and I think I have a lot to show for it. Some of my  biggest wins include a $5000 win screen tv and a trip to Disney Land.  The photo above is just the things I got today.  They include:

1) A pair of Karen Neuberger pajamas
2) A Thomas the Train Holiday DVD
3) 5 different flavors of of soft lips lip balm
4) An autographed photo and prop from Saw IV.

Not bad for one day. I thought that I'd start posting my daily winnings to encourage other sweepers out there.   Remembers its the law of averages. If you enter enough, you're bound to win. 


annies home said... 1

Just thought you would like to share that you won again on Annies Home be on look out for email from