Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First Accident of the New School Year

Well, it didn't actually happen at at school. It was actually about five minutes after we got home. The kids were playing outside on the swing set while I was routing through the fridge trying to figure out what to make for dinner. All of sudden I hear screaming. Not a "my brother just pissed me off" scream or a "I'm just fooling around" scream. Everyone who's ever been a mom or caregiver knows the difference between one of those screams and an honest cry of pain. I ran outside faster than I thought I was capable of in my current pregnant condition to find my daughter in tears of the ground holding out her hand. I'm still not exactly sure what she did. She says she fell and bent her finger all the way back. But her pinky finger was already turning black and blue and swelling up. So we spent the next few hours in urgent care getting x-rays. Luckily it wasn't broken, just badly jammed and she can get back to Judo in about a week. I have to say this experience proves how far I've come as a mom. A few years ago I would have been as hysterical as she was when it happened. But after giving birth to a premature baby, multiple bouts of pneonmia and various other sports related injuries, this was a piece of cake.



Leslie said... 1

Blog hopping and I stumbled across your blog. I thought I'd say hi.

Ouch! My nephew just did that last week to his finger while playing basketball!

As a mom, I do ok with injuries as long as there is no blood. When that happens, I call my husband!