Thursday, April 12, 2012

Phantom is Featured in the Sexy, Dark, & Bloody Fiction Party at Pagan Culture

Magaly, the brilliant and creative mind behind the Pagan Culture blog, is celebrating her Third Blogoversary! The theme of this year's celebration is Sexy, Dark, and Bloody Fiction. This is the challenge that Magaly presented to this year's participants.

 "My witchy heart believes in the power of diverse expression. I wish to celebrate three years of Pagan Culture by rewriting stereotypes about witches in fiction. I invite you, my Wicked Darlings, to use your artistic weapon of choice to reshape the fictional stereotype that annoys you the most."

Right away I knew that Justyn from Phantom would make a great addition to the party. The Gothic Pagan is the typical stereotype of a bad boy.  So of course everyone would blame him when strange things start to happen.  To learn a little more about Justyn and see an exclusive quote you won't find anywhere else (but in the book, of course) check out my guest post, "A Sexy, Dark, and Bloody Phantom for a New Generation." You can enter to win an amazing prize pack that includes a signed copy of Phantom and all the prizes in the photo below.

While you're visiting Pagan Culture, be sure to check out all the other exciting giveaways going on, and learn about some other witchy fiction that helps to set the record straight on what magic is all about. This is one exciting party and a great way to find new authors you're sure to love, both on and off the net.   You can also join the fun! Write you own post about stereotypes or dark fiction before 4/13/12, and share your link on the Pagan Culture blog. Check out all the details here.  Its a dark and sexy party that you won't want to miss!

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