Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kandle Flex by Ozeri Review & Giveaway (3 Winners)

In addition to being a published author, I am also an avid reader. I love to read just about anything I can get my hands on, and I finally got my very first Kindle this past Christmas. Before babies, I used to read a minimum of five books a week, but these days, I struggle to get in a few pages day. The only chance I have to read is at night when all the kids are sleeping. My infant son still sleeps in our bedroom, so that means I can't turn on lights and read before I go to sleep. Luckily, I came across the Kandle Flex from Ozeri. This neat little device has given me back the freedom to read whenever and wherever I want to. It is powered by three ultra bright LED bulbs that will never need replacing, and the amount of light it provides is absolutely amazing when you consider its small size.

The Kandle Flex is a little light that was designed specifically for the Kindle, Sony Reader and other e-book devices. It slips right onto the top and offers all the illumination you'll need to read without any eye strain. Even if you have the overhead lights on, the Kandle still makes it easier to see, but for me, its allowed me to read in my room for the first time since the baby was born. In addition to using it on my Kindle, I also use the Kandle Flex on hard cover books, and I even attach it to my note books when I'm writing. It has really come in handy when I wake up in the middle of the night with a great idea for one of my books. I can jot it down before I forget it without waking up my husband by turning on the lights. 

In addition to Kandle Flex, Ozeri also offers pepper mills, bathroom scales, tumblers, frying pans and more  For more information on these great products, check out their website.  If you are interested in making a purchase, the Kandle Flex and the entire Ozeri line is available on Amazon. Right now the Kandle Flex is on sale for only $25 which is almost half off the retail price!

Three  lucky winners are going to receive a Ozeri Kandle Flex try for themselves!  To enter, just fill in the Rafflecopter form below. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply. Thanks again to Ozeri for offering this fantastic prize. To show your appreciation, Ozeri is asking the winners to post a short review on Amazon.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


Kristie said... 1

I like the digital kitchen scales.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

eclairre said... 2

I like the kitchen scale!

wizardewu said... 3

I like the ceramic cookware.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Maryann D. said... 4

I like their ceramic cookware.

twinkle at optonline dot net

Colleen Maurina said... 5

I also like their Maestro Electric Wine Opener.

colljerr at comcast dot net

Colleen Maurina said... 6

GFC - ColleenM

colljerr at comcast dot net

Sally - Susan Franklin said... 7

I could not find a link to discriptions or names but I like the salt and prpper mills too.

Sally - Susan Franklin said... 8

Blog post comment

Shannon said... 9

I like the thermo glassware


Heather! said... 10

Ooh, I love the Maestro Electric Wine Opener! Hubby would love it too, so he might find it wrapped up for his birthday! :)
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

cadyokoh said... 11

My favorite thing from ozeri is their digital bathroom weight scale.

cadyokoh at gmail dot com

cadyokoh said... 12

Thanks for this great giveaway. I love the quality of the ozeri products.

cadyokoh at gmail dot com

Fawn said... 13

I like the Salt & Pepper Mills
alsmalu at hotmail.com

Unknown said... 14

We love their kitchen scales.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

aperry said... 15

ozeri rings are what I like!!

Maria's Space said... 16

I have always wanted a kitchen scale
ree026 @optonline.net

Jennifer Rogers said... 17

I like the KandleFlex in Black!

rj7777 said... 18

I love the digital scale as a favorite.
I have your button at http://rj7777.blogspot.com/

rj7777 said... 19

I blogged about this giveaway at http://rj7777.blogspot.com/2012/02/candle-flex-by-ozeri-giveaway-at.html

cman said... 20

The Kitchen Scale.

Sherry and Gena said... 21

The tungsten rings.

Sherry and Gena said... 22

RC isnt wanting to take my twitter name which is sgibbs58..thanks!

DEBIJOT said... 23

I love their thermal glassware

Tylerpants said... 24

I like their 10" Green Earth Frying Pan. tylerpants(at)gmail.com